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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

British Values

1. How do we promote British Values?


  • We encourage children to have a say in what happens in our school. We have a School Council who meet regularly to discuss ways to make improvements and changes within our school. We have an Eco Council who meet to find ways in which to reduce our carbon footprint. We have a Sports Council who discuss and act on ways in which to improve sports in our school.
  • Democracy is also promoted through PSHE lessons and assemblies where children are taught to respect their rights and the rights of others.
  • We work towards:

transforming our world

  through our unique gifts’

Our Mission Statement, 2019

  • Our Year 5 children are taught a topic entitled The History of Democracy where they learn about the democratic process.

The impact that Democracy has on our children:

Our children learn how to respect the outcome of a democratic process and learn how to manage feelings of disappointment if not chosen or elected. They learn to help make decisions and share ideas as individuals and in groups, confident that their pupil voice will have a respectful and active audience. They understand their responsibilities to the school and the wider community.

The Rule of Law 

  • Our children know what is expected of them, why rules are so important, and what the consequences are if they do not follow them. They learn about the importance of different rules, whether they be laws of the classroom, home, local or global societies.
  • We learn about Internet safety every year where the rules and safety procedures taught within the IT curriculum are reinforced and consolidated. Year 6 study a theme entitled Social Media: Friend or Foe?
  • We have a positive reward system in place to celebrate achievement in each class.
  • Our assemblies teach children about trust, respect and honesty. We encourage children to develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it’s difficult.
  • We plan visits from authorities such as the Police, Fire Service etc. regularly to help reinforce The Rule of Law.
  • Our Year 5 children are taught a theme entitled The History of Democracy where they learn about the Rule of Law.

The impact that The Rule of Law has on our children:

Our children show respect for the rules and the law. They understand their responsibilities and the consequence of their behaviour. They feel safe in a secure and respectful environment. Older children in the school set a good example for younger children to follow.

Individual Liberty

  • We teach children to value and appreciate their individual liberty within the UK and understand this is not true for all other countries across the world.
  • Children choose lunch options and activity choices. They have the choice of challenge in some lessons and how they record their work.
  • Allowing children to understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms safely e.g. on line safety lessons and anti-bullying week, RE lessons and PSHE lessons.
  • We teach children to respect the rights of others and things through the values of empathy and tolerance, as well as understanding and knowledge.
  • The theme of 'individual liberty' is embedded into our broad and balanced curriculum. This is covered explicitly in history in Year 5 where children learn about changes to women's suffrage (The History of Democracy) and in Year 6 where pupils study the Civil Right s Movement in 1960s America (Events That Have Changed Our World).
  • During Black History Month,children learn about the past and the importance of freedom, the right to equality and free choice and each class learns about a different historic figure who has promoted this. 

The impact that Individual Liberty has on our children:

Our children feel a sense of belonging and feel their opinions are valued. They are aware of how to stay safe in different situations. They enjoy and value the freedoms that they have, of speech, of thought and of being themselves while remaining respectful of others' differences.

Mutual Respect 

  • Our children learn that they have a responsibility to humanity and its development and that successful ‘human connection’ is central to a world in which individuals can flourish. We encourage our pupils to work collaboratively and inclusively in both their academic studies and in all their social interaction. We teach them that forgiveness and understanding are central to the social prospering of society and that the values of the Gospel must be ‘lived.’
  • In our school, pupils learn that they are unique and have been created in love. They are encouraged to develop their God given talents through social and respectful participation in sports clubs and events e.g. borough athletics, dance club, judo, football club, and assume responsibility as Rosary Apostles, Junior Road Safety Officers, Eco School Council members, librarians and as Peer Tutors.
  • We encourage pupils to show kindness and compassion through our Angel Points system whereby rewards are given to pupils for displaying these qualities.
  • We teach our pupils how to develop loving, fulfilling and socially responsible relationships through our RSE programme. We have high expectations of how children behave which is reflected in our behaviour policy.
  • Our children learn that their behaviour has an impact on their rights and those of others.
  • We promote opportunities for children to work together with others in a class, team or group. We warmly welcome all visitors and newly arrived children and their families.
  • All members of the school community treat each other with respect.
  • Pupils understand how respect for others includes thinking of the disadvantaged and that fundraising is central to Catholic social teaching. Charities are supported at local, national and international level during the season of Advent (a programme of Advent projects) and throughout the year (Cafod, MacMillan, St Paul’s Food Bank, the Poppy Appeal, Catholic Children’s Society, Mbabzi School, Mary’s Meals).

The impact that Mutual Respect has on our children:

Our children are respectful towards others. They respect and value theirs and other’s achievements and opinions. People feel valued and welcomed at our school.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

  • As British citizens, we ensure that our children have a sound understanding of British values. As a school situated in the United Kingdom (and more particularly in Hounslow) in the 21st century, we know that the celebration of diversity of culture is integral in educating our young people. Annually, we ensure that all pupils engage in a celebration of cultural diversity where they learn to appreciate differences in their cultural identity.
  • We deliver a programme of study of other faiths across the school and visit places of worship such as the Gurdwara in Hounslow.
  • We encourage and support families from other faiths in celebrating their beliefs with the wider school community e.g. Diwali is recognised each year: staff wear traditional clothing and the stories and traditions of Hinduism are shared with pupils.
  • Our children learn about different societies and cultures through geography e.g. European Traveller (Year 4); North and South America (Year 6) and how these compare with British culture

The impact Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs has on our children:

Our children are respectful to those who have different beliefs or lives to them. They learn to discuss issues from different viewpoints and show empathy towards others. They understand when behaviour towards others is not acceptable, including any type of discrimination. They are taught to become global citizens of the 21st Century.


2. British Values In Our Curriculum



British Value


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints/strategies

·         Solving challenges

Mutual Respect


·         Working collaboratively

·         Empathising with a character

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Exploring stories from different cultures

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints/strategies

·         Exploring and ‘living’ the values of the Gospel

·         Understanding the importance of social justice and service to others

·         Learning about and celebrating other faiths

·         Fundraising for local, national and global communities

·         RSE Curriculum: developing purposeful and fulfilling relationships

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs


Individual Liberty


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints/strategies

·         Exploring the achievements of British scientists

·         Understanding the impact of British science on the world

Mutual Respect



Individual Liberty


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Learning how people throughout the ages have created and developed society

·         The development of democracy in Britain

·         An understanding of the values in society and how we can be agents in the process of change

·         Considering the consequences of people’s actions

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs




The Rule of Law


Individual Liberty


·          Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Learning about different cultures across the world and understanding differences and similarities to British culture

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs


Art and Design

·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Learning about the work of British artists and designers

·         Freedom of expression through art and design

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs


 Individual Liberty


Design and Technology

·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Freedom of expression through design and technology

Mutual Respect


Individual Liberty


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Freedom of expression through technology

·         Respecting the laws relating to computing and internet safety

Mutual Respect


Individual Liberty


The Rule of Law



·         Working collaboratively

·         Respect for the opposing team

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Learning to accept defeat and disappointment

Mutual Respect


Individual Liberty


·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Understanding the importance of music in British culture

·         Exploring the work of British music artists

·         Exploring the work of British artists from different cultural backgrounds

Mutual Respect


Individual Liberty


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs



·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         How resilience, confidence and voicing opinion can change the world for the better

·         Learning how the Rule of Law and Democracy keep us safe

·         Learning about and celebrating other faiths


Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs




The Rule of Law


Individual Liberty

MfL (Italian)

·         Working collaboratively

·         Accepting that there are differing viewpoints and opinions

·         Learning about different cultures across the world and understanding differences and similarities to British culture

Mutual Respect


Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs



3. British Values Overview

We believe that it is important that the children can name and discuss these values with confidence as part of their personal development. Every year group therefore focuses on one British Value in detail. 


Year Group

British Value




the right to choose

Year 1

Mutual respect 

understanding that we all don't share the same beliefs and values. It is respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others

Year 2

Mutual respect 

understanding that we all don't share the same beliefs and values. It is respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others

Year 3

Tolerance of different cultures and religions 

fair, objective and permissive attitude to those whose faith may differ from one's own

Year 4

Individual Liberty 

understanding that people have the freedom to choose their faith, beliefs, likes and dislikes which are outside Government control

Year 5

Rule of Law 

understanding that all people and groups are ruled by the same laws which help to keep us all safe and happy

Year 6


understanding that people have equal rights and the freedom to choose how they are treated, rather than when one person has all the power and makes all the decisions.