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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Curriculum Design Statement

Mission Statement

Our school Mission Statement was drawn up through consultation with the Governors, Staff, Parents and Children of the Rosary Catholic Primary School. The statement reflects our schools mission to keep God in all aspects of our daily life.

Together, as God’s children,
We realise our dreams,
inspiring and encouraging one another
to reach our true potential,
transforming our world
through our unique gifts.

Vision Statement

We believe that every child at The Rosary Catholic Primary School can achieve high standards in a happy, calm, welcoming and safe environment. Good communication between staff, children, parents and governors enables effective conditions for learning and high expectations for every child in the school that values pupils’ spiritual, mental and physical health and nurtures self–esteem.

In partnership with our parish, we teach our children to respect and help each other, to embrace difference and to follow the principles of Catholic social teaching so that they recognise that people are more important than things and that we must support the poor and the vulnerable in our society.

We have clear and consistent expectations of behaviour based on strong moral values centred on our faith and a zero tolerance to bullying. We celebrate our achievements and are proud of our successes. We live out our daily life using the guide and protection of our Blessed Mother, after whose special prayer we are named.  We continue to keep Christ as guide and inspiration in all that we do for all the children who pass through the doors of our wonderful school.

School Aims

Our aim is for all our pupils to:

  • develop into people of compassion, empathy, respect and kindness, possessing a Christ-like response to all life’s situations
  • develop a life-long love of learning
  • make a successful transition to secondary education level
  • have a wide range of well-developed vocabulary
  • be confident readers with a life-long love of learning
  • be resilient, independent and self-motivated
  • have a sense of curiosity and enjoyment
  • understand what it is to be a global citizen of the twenty-first century
  • have experience of cultural capital in a variety of different forms

We will deliver the best possible provision for our pupils through a combination of:

  • close liaison and partnership with parents and carers
  • a broad and balanced curriculum that offers a variety of opportunities to develop academically, socially and emotionally
  • a programme of offsite activities and visits, providing many opportunities for broader experience to support academic learning
  • partnering with other specialist professionals such as; Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, CAMHS, The Bridge
  • promoting continued professional development for all staff in the school, to ensure that we provide the best education and support

How Have We Designed Our Curriculum?

  1. We have designed a curriculum that is relevant and contemporary.


    1) Our curriculum is reflective of our core mission:

    Aspire, Believe, Achieve: Together in Christ


    We encourage our pupils to be aspirational through a broad programme of cultural capital – experiences and off site trips which open the world to our pupils. We have incorporated the study of inspirational scientists into our curriculum. We collaborate with a variety of occupations including the fire service, police force, Sky Academy, Brit School


    Gospel Values are at the heart of all that we do. We ensure a robust liturgical programme throughout the year that includes the regular celebration of Mass, Benediction, Confession, prayer and worship; Stations of the Cross. Each half-term focuses on a different Gospel value which complements our focus on different British Values for the different year groups.

    We encourage our pupils to harness a sense of self-belief.


    We celebrate achievement, effort and mistakes that help our children to learn.

    2) Our curriculum is reflective of our context and locality, reflecting the needs of our children in Heston

    1. a) Cultural Diversity

    As a school in Hounslow, we ensure that our pupils’ personal development is grounded in acceptance and understanding of all. Our curriculum has been designed to reflect this.  Our curriculum has also been designed to ensure that pupils understand they are an important part of a global community.

    Examples of our Curriculum Design:

    • - Windrush (Year 4)
    • - Remembrance 1914-1918: this includes a study of Walter Tull, the first black British Army Officer (Year 6)
    • - the Civil Rights Movement (Year 6)
    • - colonialism and the British Empire (Year 6)
    • - inspirational and diverse scientists (Year 2- Year 6);
    • - the people of the Masai Mara (Year 2)


    We ensure the availability of culturally diverse reading material – a diverse range of authors is included in our 3pm Read - and we celebrate Black History month to complement the areas of study in our curriculum.  We teach a multi-faith programme - alongside our study of the Catholic faith - and we welcome external links with these other faiths.

    We celebrate our link with Mbabzi Primary School in Malawi – our Year 5 children correspond with the pupils there – and we celebrate our cultural diversity as one community through our annual Cultural Diversity Day and International Food event.

    1. b) The Locality

    We have designed our curriculum to ensure that our locality is central to our children’s learning. We have included the Tudors in our history curriculum due to our proximity to Hampton Court Palace and we also visit other local buildings of note e.g. Osterley House, Gunnersbury Park Museum. We make use of the locality in topics such as Heston Detectives (Year 4) and much of our map work centres around the local area. We are fortunate to have close links with London and its museums and galleries. We also ensure that our visits to London are by public transport to ensure that our children become responsible members of the public.

    3) 21st Century World, 21st Century Learners - Sustainability and Life Skills


    Examples of our Curriculum Topics:

    • Water, Water Everywhere! In Year 4
    • The Earth’s Resources (sustainable versus non-renewable resources) in Year 5

    and our science curriculum topics, all of which are reflective of a positive approach to sustainability and our quest to develop global citizens of the 21st century with a sound understanding of climate change and how we can work towards saving our planet for future generations.

    We have introduced an Eco shop and we are fortunate enough to have a conservation area where we have planted wild flowers.

    Life Skills

    Examples of our Curriculum Design:

    • Social Media: Friend or Foe? (Year 6). This topic explores a theme that has a huge influence on society, both positive and negative. Pupils explore ways to manage the pressures of social media and ways in which to stay safe online, which is supported by our work on E-Safety.


    • Managing Money (Year 6)
    • The History of Democracy (Year 5). This topic studies the signing of the Magna Carta to our present constitution. It is an important theme for our pupils as citizens of the 21st century and is closely linked with our work on British Values. We ensure that our pupils study democracy and the importance of voting as a member of a national and global society. 


    We also ensure that there is a robust programme of Internet Safety (all years) and a wide programme of cultural capital and off site trips which open the wider world to our pupils.

    Our residential trip to the Isle of Wight in Year 6 encourages our children to become independent, resilient and accountable for themselves. Our robust PSHE programme ensures that our children know how to safeguard themselves and others and we have introduced a First Aid course in Year 5 to ensure that they are equipped to deal with medical emergencies.

    We encourage our children to participate in a range of  public speaking events i.e. assemblies, productions, and that they have the opportunity to experience positions of responsibility i.e. JRS officers, Eco shop staff, librarians, Young Leaders, Wellbeing Champions, Rosary Apostles. Our children have designed our Growth Mindset characters which focus on independence, resilience, challenge and self motivation.

    4) Life-long readers

    We encourage our children to develop a life-long love of reading. We provide the skills required for early reading through our chosen scheme Read, Write Inc. and we ensure that we instil reading confidence in our children by regular reading opportunities in class and by providing home reading books that match the sounds learned in lessons. We believe that this promotes a feeling of success which leads to confidence in reading.

    We provide a variety of diverse, rich reading materials in our classrooms and in our libraries, and we have designed a curriculum that provides opportunities for reading across subjects e.g. in history, geography, science and RE. We believe that a positive reading culture, and the ability to read well, opens a world of opportunity for our children as they grow to adulthood and is a moral obligation.

The Principles of Our Curriculum Design

 Subject leaders use the following principles to ensure the success of our curriculum. 

Challenge and Enjoyment

We believe in practical application and experience.

We believe that the enjoyment in learning contributes to the personal development of all pupils and so we are mindful of the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural growth of all.

Language Development 

We aim to ensure that vocabulary acquisition and development is a priority across all subjects from

EYFS to Year 6.

Reading is a priority applied across the curriculum.


We ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum and progression across all the expected Learning Objectives through

mapping and monitoring.


We aim to ensure that play based learning is a focus in Early Years as it provides deep learning behaviours for the future.

We use Learn, Recall, Remember: Sticky Knowledge to embed factual knowledge-based learning.

Assessment for Learning

We aim to ensure that Assessment for Learning is used in lessons to move learning forwards, to address misconceptions and to support planning for progression.

We aim to ensure that real live experiences are supported.  Topics that take account of our community and wider world are key.  We provide opportunities for pupils to transfer skills across the curriculum.


We ensure the skills of logic and consistency throughout our curriculum but particularly through the teaching of mathematics, Design and Technology, science and computing. Confidence in mathematics is held in high regard for curriculum success.

Our Curriculum:

is founded on Gospel values

encourages learners to contribute to the ethos and life of the school community

encourages problem solving and reasoning across all subjects

provides an ambitious, relevant, knowledge and skills rich education

Priorities from School Development Planning  2022-2025

Our School Development Plan 2022-2025 sets out the priorities for the school over the next three years. The six areas below link to what we are implementing to support our curriculum offer.


Key Issue

Link to EIF

Religious Education and Catholic Life of the School

To implement the new RE Levels of Attainment when introduced by the diocese. To introduce and embed The Way, The Truth and The Life scheme across all classes in line with the new RECD and levels of assessment

The creativity of the religious education curriculum to meets pupils’ needs is exceptional and results in pupils’ active engagement in their learning and excellent progress being made across all key stages.

Quality of Education

To further develop the provision of Art/DT, Music and ICT to ensure there is a challenging and demanding curriculum which is consistently of high quality

The work given to pupils, over time and across the school, consistently matches the aims of the curriculum. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.

Behaviour and Attitudes

Staff take risks in their planning to ensure the children are engaged in their learning, not passive learners. Risks should be linked to challenge and high expectations.

Pupils consistently have highly positive attitudes and commitment to their education. They are highly motivated and persistent in the face of difficulties. Pupils make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school and/or the wider community. Pupils actively support the wellbeing of other pupils.

Personal Development

To develop children’s spoken language through debate and discussions (links to Pupil Parliament)

To have a priority on developing new vocabulary and meanings in each lesson

The school provides these rich experiences in a coherently planned way, in the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities, and they considerably strengthen the school’s offer.

Leadership and Management

To support staff in their subject leadership roles in preparation for Deep Dives of their subject areas.

Leaders ensure that teachers receive focused and highly effective professional development. Teachers’ subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge consistently build and develop over time. This consistently translates into improvements in the teaching of the curriculum.


To develop and train staff in working with children on the Autistic Spectrum to ensure they are accessing the curriculum and making progress against their EHCP’s. 

The school’s actions have secured improvement in progress for disadvantaged pupils. Progress is rising across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics.

Effectiveness of Early Years

To partake in the NCETM Mastering Number Programme for EYFS and KS1 to develop Number Mastery in line with the White Rose Maths Approach and the Development Matters

The impact of the curriculum on what children know, can remember and do is strong. Children demonstrate this through being deeply engaged and sustaining high levels of concentration. Children, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, do well. Children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.