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The Rosary Catholic Primary School




At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, we are a culturally diverse and multilingual community. We are committed to fostering a spiritual, thriving community in which each individual feels valued and able to succeed, and in which each person is encouraged and equipped to fulfil their potential. We believe reading is one of the most crucial skills that enable our pupils to become more successful and able learners. Basic phonic knowledge – decoding letters on a page into the sounds and words they denote – underpins the process of learning to read. We strive to teach every one of our children to read effectively and quickly using the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme (RWI) which includes teaching synthetic phonics, sight vocabulary, decoding and encoding words as well as spelling and accurate letter formation. The aim is that as they progress through early years and key stage 1, pupils begin to develop and even master speed and fluency in reading, so that they become confident, mature readers. Effective Phonics teaching and learning is essential for high attainment in Reading and Writing. Additionally, confidence with phonics is integral across the curriculum and used in all subjects.

At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, the skills of handwriting, reading and spelling are embedded within daily RWI lessons from early years to key stage 1. By focussing on the teaching of reading in the Early Years and KS1, using a synthetic phonics scheme, children learn to read unfamiliar printed words by blending (decoding) and speedily recognise familiar printed words by sight. We want all children to enjoy and experience early success in learning to read. We are committed to developing children’s love of reading and to help them to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know.

By the time pupils leave The Rosary Catholic Primary School, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –

  • To have a sense of curiosity and enjoyment in phonics by providing pupils with the opportunities access to high quality phonics teaching and access to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts closely matched to their phonics knowledge.
  • To have experience Cultural Capital in a variety of different forms by being given equal opportunities to achieve their best possible standard, whatever their current attainment and irrespective of gender, ethnic, social or cultural background, home language or any other aspect that could affect their participation or the progress of which they are capable
  • To be resilient, independent and self-motivated pupils participate in class debates and discussions where they are able to express themselves and boost their confidence and self-esteem.
  • To ask questions and to problem solve by planning lessons that are built around curiosity. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and explore texts and search for meanings.
  • To be global citizens of the twenty first century pupils are given plenty of opportunities to read books and learn about different topics, cultures and significant individuals. Pupils are given opportunities to discuss the challenges in the world today and develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills through discussions.

Essentially, the Read Write Inc programme is based on 5 Ps:

Praise – Children learn quickly in a positive climate.

Pace – Good pace is essential to the lesson.

Purpose – Every part of the lesson has a specific purpose.

Passion – this is a very prescriptive programme. It is the energy, enthusiasm and passion that teachers put into the lesson that brings the teaching and learning to life.

Participation – A strong feature of Read Write Inc lessons is partner work and the partners ‘teaching’ each other.

We want our pupils to find love of learning and become confident, proficient, empowered readers and spellers by the time they leave our school. Lastly we want pupils to

Aspire, Believe, Achieve: Together in Christ.


The following principles and features characterise our approach to the teaching of reading using RWI:

  • Teachers teach RWI using a detailed, proven step-by-step teaching scheme; where children are first taught simple GPCs, to accurately blend taught sounds, to decode simple words containing taught graphemes and then to read specifically designed books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and the common exception words.
  • Pupils are taught within small homogenous groups, across year groups, which reflect their performance in RWI phonics assessments. We make sure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and ability to read ‘tricky words’; so they experience early reading success and gain confidence that they are readers.
  • RWI teachers have all the RWI resources needed to teach RWI and they follow detailed lesson plans. This ensures the consistency of the teaching of reading, in every RWI lesson, irrespective of the RWI reading teacher.
  • Teachers attend regular in-house CPD sessions, where they have the opportunity to learn about pedagogical changes, new RWI resources and to observe and practice specific parts of the teaching process.
  • Regular assessment ensures that pupils are taught in homogeneous groups, which match their phonic knowledge and reading level. Pupils making speedy progress move groups quickly. Those pupils making steady progress continue at an appropriate pace matched to their reading level. Those pupils making slower progress are usually taught in smaller groups and generally receive additional small group or one-to-one intervention.
  • Rigorous and monitored interventions through the Read Write Inc Programme take place in KS2, with the lowest 20% readers and pupils who have not passed their Phonics Screening.


At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, all pupils are entitled to access RWI resources and teachings at a level appropriate to their needs arising from race, gender, ability or disability.

A range of inclusion strategies, as listed on the school’s inclusion planning key, are embedded in practice and teachers are aware of the special educational needs of the children in their RWI group, as well as those who are on Pupil Premium and who have English as an additional language.

The 2014 National Curriculum states that:

‘Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.’

Pupils making accelerated progress will move groups to ensure that an appropriate level of challenge is provided. Pupils that need additional support to consolidate their phonic knowledge and its application will generally be taught in smaller groups where they have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge prior to moving onto the next stage. If appropriate, further intervention will be provided to support their phonic development.

Specific arrangements for the provision of children with SEND will be communicated to parents and carers during SEND reviews.

As a result of high quality phonics provision, children make good progress from their starting points. The vast majority are ready for the next stage in their education as they transfer through Early Years, Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. Many children accelerate progress during these years from baseline below ARE to meeting expectations in phonics, reading and writing.

Children enjoy listening to adults read and develop a love of reading, gaining satisfaction from their growing success in developing independence and fluency.

Following a review of provision in 2019 - 20, phonics outcomes at the end of Year 1 have been at least in line with national averages. Reading outcomes at the end of KS1 and KS2 have been at least in line or above national averages at EYE and GD.

However, we firmly believe that reading is the key to all learning and so the impact of our phonics and reading curriculum goes beyond the results of the statutory assessments and can be seen in success across the curriculum as children progress through school.

21st Century World; 21st Century Learners

Phonics Teaching

The Key Features of Effective Systematic Synthetic
Phonics Practice

* Consistency

* Progression and pace

* Linking phonics to reading and writing

* Direct teaching

* Fast, repeated practise

* Use of fully decodable books

* Early identification of children in danger of falling behind

* Effective keep-up support

Consistency of Approach

  • Pronunciation of phonemes:

A video with the correct pronunciation of phonemes can be found here:

https://www.ruthmiskin.com/parents/phonics pure sounds video (oxfordowl.co.uk)

  • Use of terminology:

Consistent terminology is used with the children.

  • Sequence and progression through Read Write Inc:

Sets 1, 2 and 3 are taught in a specific sequence using the RWI planning in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (See Long-term planning)

  • Support materials used:

Oxford Owl, Ruth Miskin website, 

Each class from Nursery to Year 2 has fully decodable books linked to the sounds learnt in class and comprehensive Read Write inc teaching resources. One-to-one RWI tutoring resources are available for intervention purposes from Reception onwards and tutoring videos available to train staff from the Ruth Miskin portal. These are the primary resources to be used with the lowest 20% of readers.

  • Teaching routines and rhymes:

We use high quality Speed sound cards for Sets 1, 2 and 3 to teach the pure sounds with images on the reverse of the Speed Sound card to enable pupils to understand the sounds linked to the images. We have a RWI rhyme to repeat for each sound, i.e. “oa” is “Goat in a boat”, “ee” is “What can you see?”

We have the Simple Sound chart on display to refer to during lessons so children can keep track of the sounds in the Read Write Inc. lessons. This chart contains primarily set 1 sounds.


We use Green words for each sounds, to enable pupils to “Fred Talk/ Fred-in-your-head” (segment) and “Read the Word” (blend the sounds together).


For Sets 1 and 2, we use sound buttons on the green word cards to enable pupils to “Fred Talk” and then blend the words.


For Sets 2 and Set 3, the Green sound cards have sound buttons on one side and no sound buttons on the other side to encourage speed reading.  

We use “Fred Fingers” to segment the words and spell the words on our fingers before writing them down on paper.

We have Red word cards to encourage the learning and daily practice of High frequency words.

As children move up the levels, more unusual correspondences that they need to learn are pointed out to them as alternatives on the Complex Speed Sound chart which contains sets 2 and 3 sounds, e.g. “ph” is not taught as a sound but as an alternative to the more common spelling “f”.


Links to Reading and Writing

Links to phonics are made across the curriculum and applied throughout the school day. Children apply their knowledge of phonics through reading and writing on a daily basis. In Early Years this includes during their independent learning time throughout the environment.

Teaching Sequence:

  • Consistent behaviour management techniques
  • High quality resources
  • Attention, Practice and Application
  • Positive praises throughout the lesson


Participation – 

As they are in small groups, children participate fully in every session. They are able to maintain high levels of concentration and they do not miss key elements of the teaching.

Praise – 

Children work together as partners. They take turns to teach and praise each other. They are motivated by praise from their teachers and teaching assistants.

Pace – 

Sessions are fast paced and lively. This keeps every child fully engaged and on task.

Purpose – 

Every instructor has been trained in Read Write Inc. methods. They know the purpose of each activity, and how it leads into the next.

Passion – 

Instructors, too, become passionate about their teaching as they see the children enjoying the progress they are making.


Ensure teachers are enthusiastic, highly trained and focused on the phonics goal, applying the RWI behaviour management and pace. Ensure children are actively involved, well-motivated and exhibit the RWI behaviour goals

Place a spotlight on the lowest 20%, placing them in a homogenous group with a strong RWI teacher.


Following the RWI planning format, the lessons are as follows:

  • Show the sound on the card with the grapheme
  • Say the sound (bouncy, stretchy etc.)
  • Show the picture and say the rhyme
  • Show the picture and say the rhyme and then the grapheme without the rhyme. Repeat.
  • Teacher to write the sound saying the rhyme
  • Put the new sound in known pack and find
  • Children to write the letter saying the rhyme
  • Speed write – write three sounds the children have learned so far
  • Fred talk – read words with sound from today (real and nonsense) 
  • Write the words learned today
  • Apply in sentence, when appropriate

Each discrete phonics lesson is 30 minutes in length and uses quality resources to make them engaging, fun and interactive. A mixture of real and nonsense words is used in practice every day. A general list of resources to support planning is attached at the end of this document.

Long term planning of RWI across Year groups


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Phase 1 (environ-mental, instrumental)


Phase 1 (body percussion)


Phase 1 (rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, oral blending and segmenting)


Establish basic RWI behaviour management, i.e. magnet eyes on me, MTYT, TTYP, popcorn your words

Set 1

m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k



Set 1

u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v




Teach Set 1

m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k

Read all single letter set 1 sounds

Teach Set 1


u, b, f, e, l, h, sh, r, j, v


Blend sounds into words orally



Teach Set 1

y, w, th, z, ch, qu, x, ng, nk


Blend sounds to read words; read short ditty stories


Review set 1

Teach Set 2

ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy

Read red storybooks

Review set 2

Teach Set 3

ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur

Read green storybooks

Review set 2


Teach Set 3

er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure

Read purple storybooks



Yr 1

Review Set 1

Teach set 2

ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy

Read pink storybooks

Review Sets 1 and 2

Teach Set 3

ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur

Read orange storybooks



Review Sets 2 and 3

Teach Set 3

er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure

Read yellow storybooks


Set 1 (focus on digraphs)

Set 2 (12 sounds)

Set 3 (18 sounds)

Read blue or grey storybooks

Recap all sounds and apply sounds and key words/ intervention group

Phonics Screening

Review sets and 2 with lowest readers/


Daily phonics interventions



Yr 2


Review set 2


Teach set 3

ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur


Power of Reading and Grammar


Review set 2


Teach set 3

er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure

Power of Reading and Grammar


 Whole class reading lessons 


Power of Reading and Grammar


 Whole class reading lessons 


Power of Reading and Grammar


 Whole class reading lessons 

Power of Reading and Grammar



Whole class reading lessons 

Power of Reading and Grammar

Phonics in EYFS

Autumn Term

In the first 6 weeks of Reception teachers begin with Set 1 of Read Write Inc. This aids the children’s transition as they start primary school and provides teachers with the time to assess children’s speaking and listening abilities.

Teachers plan to mix activities across provision on a daily basis, according to the developing abilities and interests of the children. The activities are designed to help children:

1. Listen attentively;
2. Enlarge their vocabulary;
3. Speak confidently to adults and other children;
4. Distinguish different phonemes;
5. Copy the phonemes they hear, in order, all through the word; 6. Use sound-talk to segment words into phonemes.

Week 1 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds: m a s d
  • -  Practise the sounds learned so far
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation

Week 2 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds: t i n p
  • -  Teach blending with sounds (blending for reading)
  • -  Practise reading the red words I the my you
  • -  Practise all previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending for reading

Week 3 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds : gock
  • -  T Practise reading the red words I the my you
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)

Week 4, 5, 6, 7 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Revisit set 1 sounds taught so far
  • -  Teach blending and reading the red words taught
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions

Week 8 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds u b f e
  • -  Teach reading the red words: said your are be of no
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions

Week 9 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds l h sh
  • -  Teach reading the red words: said your are be of no
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions

Week 10 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teachset1soundsrjv
  • -  Teach reading the red words: said your are be of no
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions


Week 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Revisit set 1 sounds taught so far
  • -  Teach blending and reading the red words taught
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions
  • -  Apply these into simple captions, phrases and sentences

Spring Term

Week 1 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds y, w, th, z
  • -  Teach reading the red words: what all was we
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences


Week 2 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds ch qu x
  • -  Teach reading the red words: so to me call
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 3 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds ng nk
  • -  Teach reading the red words: her there want go
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 4 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 1 sounds ng nk
  • -  Teach reading the red words: her there want go
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 5 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Revisit set 1 sounds taught
  • -  Teach reading the red words: old some he
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences -

Week 6, 7 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Revisit set 1 sounds taught and continue activities with these sounds to embed
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 8, 9, 10, 11

  • -  Teach reading the red words children are struggling with
  • -  Consolidate taught sounds.
  • -  Assess taught sounds.
  • -  Recap/revisit any sounds that children may be struggling with.
  • -  Develop segmenting and blending skills.
  • -  Continue to support children in reading words and captions

Week 12

- Children should now know the following sounds:

m   a   s   d   t   i   n   p   g   o   c   k   u   b   f   e   l   h   sh   r   j   v   y   w   th   z   ch   qu   x   ng   nk

- Children should now know the following words by sight:

I, the, my, you, said, your, are, be, of, no, what, all, was, we, so, to, me, call, her, there, want, go, old, some, he

Summer Term

Week 1 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds ay, ee
  • -  Teach reading the red words: does tall come watch who
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 2 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds igh ow
  • -  Teach reading the red words: were brother any their where
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 3 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds oo oo
  • -  Teach reading the red words: two small love many here
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences


Week 4 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds ar or
  • -  Teach reading the red words: once buy worse thought talk
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 5 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds air ir
  • -  Teach reading the red words: caught bought walk could anyone
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 6 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 2 sounds ou oy
  • -  Teach reading the red words: would great son water should
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading captions
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences

Week 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

  • -  Teach reading the red words children are struggling with
  • -  Consolidate taught sounds.
  • -  Assess taught sounds.
  • -  Recap/revisit any sounds that children may be struggling with.
  • -  Develop segmenting and blending skills.
  • -  Continue to support children in reading words and captions

Week 12

  • -  Assessment week of all set 1 and 2 sounds
  • -  Assessment week of all set 1, 2 and 3 red words

Phonics in Year One

Autumn Term: Mock phonics screening for a baseline

Week 1, 2, 3 and 4 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach and practise reading CVCC words
  • -  Teach and practise spelling CCVC words
  • -  Practise reading the red words taught so far in Reception
  • -  Practise spelling the red words taught so far in Reception
  • -  Practise recognition and recall of Set 1 and 2 sounds and reading and spelling CVC words
  • -  Practise reading and spelling red words
  • -  Practise reading sentences with sounds taught
  • -  Practise writing sentences with sounds taught

Week 5 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds ea oi a_e
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 6 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds i_e o_e
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 7 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds u_e aw
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences


Week 8 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds are ur
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Mock phonics screening test

Week 9 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds ur er
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences


Week 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds taught so far and apply
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught so far and apply
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Mock phonics screening test

Spring Term

Week 1 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds er ow
  • -  Teach reading the red words they half Monday eight
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 2 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds ai oa
  • -  Teach reading the red words eighteen going over fourteen
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 3 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds ew ire
  • -  Teach reading the red words orange Wednesday by laugh
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 4 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach set 3 sounds ear ure
  • -  Teach reading the red words April don’t July do
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 5 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Assess Set 3 sounds and teach the sounds children are struggling with
  • -  Teach reading the red words these four because can’t
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 6 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words one people February grey
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Mock phonics screening

Week 7 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words another ball Mr Mrs
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 8 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words bear other through baby
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 9 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words only told why even
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 10 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words key mother eye friend
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Week 11, 12 (RWI sequence to be followed)

  • -  Teach the sounds the children are struggling with from assessment week
  • -  Teach reading the red words taught (Set 1 – 4)
  • -  Practise previously learned sounds
  • -  Briefly practise oral blending and segmentation
  • -  Practise blending with sounds (reading words)
  • -  Support children in reading and writing sentences
  • -  Demonstrate spelling captions, phrases and sentences
  • -  Children to write the captions, phrases and sentences

Mock phonics screening

Summer Term

All phonics teachers to meet with the phonics leader to discuss the progress of children over the first two terms and re-group if necessary. Use formative assessments to reteach sounds that the children haven’t acquired. This is also an opportunity to recap the alternative spellings and pronunciations of the sounds in Set 1-3.

Administer phonics screening test.

Phonics in Year Two

In Year 2, children will review set 2 sounds and be taught set 3 alternative sounds and spellings in the Autumn term. RWI assessments at the end of the Summer term  informs RWI leader of the pupils who need phonics sessions in Year 2 and pupils attend sessions  in homogenous groups across KS1. 

Whole class reading , The Power of Reading programme and Grammar lessons will take place in year 2 from the Autumn term.

Children who didn’t pass the phonics test will receive daily phonics interventions with well-trained support staff using the tutoring programme. Year 2 children will complete the Phonics Screening test in the same week as the children in Year 1.

Phonics Screening Year 1

The Year 1 phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It will identify the children who need extra help so they are given support by their school to improve their reading skills. They will then be able to retake the check so that schools can track pupils until they are able to decode.

Phonics Screening Check 

Early Reading 

Early reading can often be integrated successfully with communication and language approaches.

Children are likely to benefit from singing and rhyming activities focused on developing alphabetic knowledge and phonological awareness to lay the groundwork for decoding.


A list of songs, poems and stories for EYFS and Year 1 - Routinely incorporate rich opportunities for children to sing songs, recite rhymes and learn poems by heart during story time. These can be rehearsed over and over, with and without a copy of the text.

Read aloud from picture books with repeated refrains so that children can start to join in and emulate prosodic reading.

List of songs, rhymes and poems for EYFS

Twinkle, twinkle little star

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive 

The wheels on the bus 

Baa Baa Black Sheep 

Incy Wincy Spider

Humpty Dumpty 

Row Row Row Your Boat 

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes 

Five Little Ducks 

Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose 

Miss Polly had a dolly 

If You Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands 

Hickory Dickory Dock 

Old McDonald Had a Farm

Three Bears 

One Two Buckle My Shoe

Pirate Song 

Wiggly Woo 

List of songs, rhymes and poems for Year 1 

I Am The Music Man 

Oranges and Lemons 

Doctor Foster 

She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain 

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow 

Singing In The Rain 

30 Days Has September 

This Old Man 

10 Fat Sausages Sizzling In The Pan 

Boom Chicka Boom 

Do Your Ears Hang Low

Sing a Song of Sixpence 

Peter Piper 

This Little Light of Mine 

There's a Hole In The Bucket

Parents information 

Sound pronunciation guide 

Listening to your child read 

Reading stories to your child 

Parent Information Booklet Set 1 

Parent Information Booklet Set 2 and 3 

Parent Information Booklets in other languages

Useful websites for parents 

 BBC Bitesize

http://www.starfall.com/ http://www.ictgames.com/literacy.html 


