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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Welcome to our SEND information report which forms part of The Rosary Catholic Primary School local offer for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) in accordance with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice, January 2015. We hope this report explains our practice at The Rosary to successfully meet the needs of children with SEN and/or a disability.

To view the report, please click on the link below. 

SEND Policy 2022-2023

SEND Information Report 2019-2020

SEND Information Report 2020-2021

Send Information Report 2021-2022

SEND Information Report 2022-2023

Rosary Whole School Provision SEND 

Frequently Asked Questions

Hounslow Local Offer services and support for children and young people with SEND

SEND and the curriculum 


Strategies Used to Support Our Pupils Who
Have Additional Needs

Strategies to support and Develop Reading

  • Pupils have access to small group and individual support with additional reading or phonics.
  • There is access to Wave 2 or 3 strategies such as ‘Read, Write Inc’, for targeted individuals who meet the criteria for these interventions.
  • Opportunities for alternative ways of recording work, such as Laptops, Ipads, audio and visual are available where appropriate.
  • For a small number of pupils who meet the criteria for behaviour support, we enlist the support of outside agencies such as The Bridge, Educational Psychology, CAMHS.
  • Repetitive overlearning strategies are used to practise certain targeted skills for individuals.
  • Pupils have access to word mats, visual vocabulary prompts, pre-teaching of vocabulary. 

Strategies to support and Develop Speech and Language

  • Speech and Language therapists deliver programmes with support from parents, either at home (1-to-1) or individual setting as suggested by the therapist.
  • We ensure that the learning environment supports language development (displayed vocabulary, working walls)
  • All Infant classes have the opportunity for supported ‘Show and tell’ activities to promote communication and confidence.
  • In-class strategies such as Talking Partners are used to promote good language development.
  • All pupils have the opportunity to develop their speech and language through drama classes led by a specialist drama teacher.
  • Pupils have access to word mats, visual vocabulary prompts and  pre-teaching of vocabulary.

Strategies to Support and Develop Maths

  • Small group/individual support takes place, for example with additional practice for number bonds or tables.
  • For a small number of pupils who meet the criteria, we enlist the support of outside agencies such as Educational Psychology and Learning Consultants.
  • We use Numicon and other visual apparatus throughout the school to support learning.
  • Manipulatives such as cubes, beads, number cards are used to support and engage pupils in their learning.
  • Booster classes are used where appropriate e.g.Springboard for those children who require extra mathematics support.

Strategies to Support Mental Health, Social Skills and Self Esteem

  • Our external sports agency runs a group for pupils with SEND which focuses on mental health, social skills, self-esteem as well as prioritising the development of pupils’ gross motor skills.
  • Two members of staff are trained ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants). They support pupils in small group sessions or in 1-to-1 situations, depending on pupil need.
  • We have trained Mental Health First Aiders to offer support to those in need.
  • We have weekly Achievement assemblies to reward effort, achievement, attitude, behaviour, sportsmanship and citizenship.
  • The school has a behaviour consultant who works with children who may need extra behaviour support.
  • We have ‘Mental Health Ambassadors’ at lunch time. These are older, trained pupils who play games and interact with less confident children.
  • A trained outside agency adult is employed at lunchtime to lead play activities.
  • Where appropriate, pupils are supported with Social Stories to support their social skills development.
  • We are a Growth Mindset school.
  • We provide ‘meet and greet’ for anxious pupils
  • We access and work alongside a range of services such as CAMHS Tier 2.
  • We have an open door policy for anxious parents or parents of anxious pupils.
  • We support pupils with transition i.e. the transfer between key stages. Extra visits may be arranged to the new secondary school for targeted pupils.
  • We support all pupils with SEND to move year groups with a move-up session with their new teacher.
  • We provide photo books of the new teacher/classroom etc. for certain pupils who need a visual prompts

Provision to Facilitate and Support Access to the Curriculum

  • We provide access to small apparatus such as Numicon, number squares, number lines, word mats.
  • We provide access to enlarged materials where required.
  • We provide strategies/support to develop independent learning.
  • Vocabulary is displayed in the classrooms to facilitate language development.
  • We can provide seating arrangements to allow a working buddy.
  • Additional resources are provided such as a reading pen to help children hear written text.
  • There is support/supervision at unstructured times of the day.
  • ‘Mental Health Ambassadors’ are available to organise play with younger children at lunch time, under the Supervision of staff.
  • Pupils are given reminders to use the toilet at break and lunch.
  • Certain pupils with recorded medical needs are allowed quick access to the toilet at any time.
  • Pupils are reminded to drink frequently and are encouraged to have a water bottle in school.
  • All EYFS and KS1 pupils receive a school lunch and staff monitor that pupils are eating their lunch.

Planning and Assessment

  • Teachers plan daily lessons to meet the needs of all pupils in their classes so as to promote learning for all.
  • Teachers, with the support of the SENDCo, may also plan additional provision for small groups (Wave 2) and individuals (Wave 3) to support their learning needs.
  • Teachers and the SENDCo write Individual Provision Maps for children who are working at SEN support.
  • Teachers assess pupils daily to see how they are accessing their learning. For pupils with SEND they will apply the criteria for access arrangements for pupils taking externally marked or moderated tests.

Communication With Parents and Professionals

  • Attendance at meetings and preparation of reports.
  • All parents receive a full report each year in the Summer term.
  • If parents require a separate copy (for example with divorced or separated parents) this can be arranged via the school office.
  • There are termly opportunities for all parents to review their child’s progress at Parent’s Consultation Meetings.
  • There is an open door policy and parents may speak to staff members at the end of the school day or make an appointment to discuss more lengthy or private matters.
  • For pupils with Individual Provision Maps the class teacher will contact parents termly to review progress and discuss new targets.
  • For pupils working with outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology etc. parents will be invited into school to meet with these outside professional to understand the nature of the work taking place.
  • We contact parents termly to express our concerns and offer support to those whose children have poor attendance.
  • Where there is multi-agency working we will have frequent Team Around the Child, or Team Around the Family meetings for some families.
  • We liaise with a variety of agencies, who can support families in need.


The role of professionals


The Role of Professionals in Supporting Our Pupils


CAMHS stands for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. They work with children to promote emotional well-being and to provide treatment for some mental health issues. They also play a key role in assessing children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and providing support with this.

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology is the study of how people learn, including teaching methods and individual differences in learning.

Educational Psychologists use this understanding of how people learn to help pupils succeed in school and provide recommendations and strategies for teachers.

At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, we have an attached Psychologist who is able to visit up to twice a term to assess pupils and to provide support.

The Educational Psychologist also supports the EHCP application process.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy provides treatment, support and care for children who have difficulties with communication.

We have an attached NHS therapist who we can refer pupils to. The therapist assesses pupils and provides targets to work on in school and at home with parents.

We also commission a private therapist form West London Speech and Language.

This therapist comes into school to do direct work with pupils who have speech and language targets in their EHCPs.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy provides treatment, support and care for children who have difficulties with their motor skills, both fine and gross. We refer to the NHS service who assess pupils and provide targets to work on in school and at home.

We also commission a private therapist who comes into school to carry out direct work with children who have occupational therapy targets in their EHCPs.

Behaviour Advisory Teacher

We commission a private behaviour consultant who is experienced in working with children with a variety of SEND but who specialises in working with children who may be on the Autistic spectrum or have ADHD.

The therapist provides advice, training and support for staff, training for parents and offers 1:1 interventions e.g. sandplay or managing anger/anxiety.

The therapist also refers pupils  to CAMHS for assessment.

Learning Assessor

We commission a private assessor who conducts a learning assessment for pupils struggling with their learning. These pupils often haven’t responded to interventions put in place thus far.

The Learning Assessor provides strategies for use with pupils to help support their learning and maximise their potential.

Woodbridge Park Education Service – The Bridge

This is a multi-site alternative provision serving EYFS to Key Stage 5. The Bridge is the provision for primary schools. We subscribe to the Pathways Programme.

Staff at The Bridge offer outreach services in school and support pupils struggling with their behaviour. They offer strategies for both pupils and staff to use.

If it is felt to be beneficial to a pupil, The Bridge offers a ‘respite’ service where pupils can be educated off-site (at The Bridge) for a short period of time. The pupil is then – in the main - able to re-join mainstream school.