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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Safeguarding SEND Pupils Statement

At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, we have thorough and rigorous procedures for safeguarding all of our children, especially those with SEND or those with vulnerabilities.

For those children with communication barriers, we use visuals and picture cards to enable a pupil to communicate their feelings and to communicate any issues that may have arisen.

We record all safeguarding incidents on CPOMS.

All incidents are carefully monitored, discussed and followed up by the Designated Safeguarding Lead, the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, and SENDCo. 


Safeguarding issues are addressed at termly meetings by the members of our Safeguarding Team. Our Safeguarding team includes our SENDCo and SEND governor. Special attention is paid in particular to those children with SEND or those who have a particular vulnerability.

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