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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Supporting your Child

Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly.

Your Child's Development

The first five years of your child's life are vital for their future development and learning. During this time they develop so much and learn lots of new skills. Whether you are a first time parent or this is your third child it can hard to know exactly what is expected of your child. The Department of education has published a guide to help parents to know what they should expect of their child at each age along with helpful tips on how to support your child in achieving these milestones.
What to expect in the EYFS


We teach your child to read and write using the Read Write Inc Phonics Programme. Here are some videos to help you support your child in their learning. We hope that you find them useful. 

Help and Support

We know that parenting can be tough at times. Whether you have one child or five, every child is different. The links below provide invaluable tips and ideas to help you and your child.
The BBC's Tiny Happy People is a website to help develop your child's communication skills. There are simple activities, play ideas and information to find out about early development.

BBC's Tiny Happy People Website

The Place2Be Parenting Smart is a website to help you with situations that you may be finding tricky such as routines, mealtimes, separation and behaviour with advice from experts and videos to support you.