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The Rosary Catholic Primary School


to Class 2A and 2B

Year 2 Learning Gallery

Take a look to find out what our inquisitive Year 2 children have been doing throughout the year.






 Half-Termly Curriculum Maps

Have a look at what our Year 2 will be learning about each term.


Autumn Term 1

This half term’s Gospel value is: Justice

This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect 

Year 2


Our topic this term is numbers within 100 and addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers

•Explore patterns including, odds and evens, tens and ones

•Apply number bonds to add and subtract •Represent and explain addition and subtraction of two 2-digit numbers. •Add three 1-digit numbers


Vocabulary: 1-digit numbers, 2-digit numbers, value, worth, partition, tens, ones, add, subtract, equal, odd, even


This term we will be reading Claude in the city by Alex Smith.

We will be developing our composition and transcription skills in writing character descriptions, city poems, story mapping, postcard in role, guide book for the museum, own Claude story in an alternative setting.

In grammar we will be learning about full stops, capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, capital letter for pronouns (I), adjectives, verbs, nouns, conjunctions


Vocabulary: adventure Claude, Sir Bobblysock, Mr & Mrs Shinyshoes, museum, city, mystery




This term we will be studying Plants

We will be learning about different parts of plants and their functions and about what plants need in order to grow and to survive

Vocabulary: plant, stem, leaf, flower, root, petal, seed, survive, grow, soil, water, sunlight

Religious Education

Our topic this term will be Creation and Covenant

In this branch, pupils will learn about the story of Noah, mainly focusing on God’s promise, or covenant, with Noah and with all creatures that ‘nothing of flesh shall be swept away again by the waters of the flood’ (Gen 9:15), a promise symbolised by the rainbow.


Vocabulary: creation, Bible, scripture, promise, Noah

Humanities: Geography

Our topic in geography this term is Spatial Sense.

Children will be learning how to use maps, atlases and globes to identify The United Kingdom and its countries as well as the countries, continents and oceans; they will learn how to use simple compass directions and use simple fieldwork and develop observational skills to study the geography of our school

Vocabulary: map, direction, north, south, east, west, country, town, city, ordnance survey,


Hands, Feet, Heart

This unit is focused around one song: Hands, Feet, Heart - a song that celebrates South African Music. Children will also be listening and appraising The Click Song sung by Miriam Makeba,  The Lion Sleeps Tonight sung by Soweto Gospel Choir and  Bring Him Back by Hugh Masekela


Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, imagination, voice, instruments


Drawing and exploring

The children will be learning about a range of artists and their inspiration for their work. They will be exploring our local environment in search for inspiration and creation with different natural materials.


Vocabulary: artist,  concept, instructions, creation


This term we will be studying: Recognise uses of IT and

Introduction to data handling

Pupils will be learning to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school, to understand that computers store information and to understand how different technology helps us, to understand what data is and collect it as a tally, use software to label a pictogram and edit a table with correct titles and numbers.


Vocabulary:  computer, software, data, technology, microprocessor, digital, analogue

Physical Education


In yoga lessons this term, the children will be developing a arrange of skills including: balance, flexibility, coordination, leadership, collaboration, perseverance, and many thinking skills such as create, select, apply, decision making


Vocabulary: stretch, flexible, balance, coordination, perseverance

Personal Social Health Education

Created and loved by God

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Vocabulary: God, creation, valued, loved, themselves




Autumn Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Hope 

This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect

Year 2


Our topic this term is Measures: length; Graphs; Multiplication and Division

Children will be learning to: 

•Draw and measure lengths in centimetres

 •Use symbols to compare and order lengths in metres and centimetre

•Represent and interpret: pictograms, block diagrams, tables and tally charts

•Explore multiplication and division through arrays

•Explore division as grouping and as sharing

•Connect multiplication and division facts using commutativity and inverse •Calculate the times tables of 2, 5, and 10 using different strategies


Vocabulary: length, pictograms, tally charts, multiply, divide, arrays, divide, grouping, sharing, commutativity, inverse,






  This term we will be reading  Grace and Family written by Mary         Hoffman. 

 Pupils will be learning how to use subordination (when, if, that, because) and co-ordination (and, or, but) , simple conjunctions to link subordinate and coordinating clauses, expanded noun phrases to describe (the man in the moon, the blue butterfly), present and past tense (simple), Question marks and exclamation marks in a range of writing genres including:

  • Piece of advice for Grace
  • Writing in role as Grace
  • Diagrams and comparison charts
  • Piece of advice for Grace
  • collaborative poem about the market
  • Narrative storybook for Grace’s siblings

Pupils will be reading and listening to stories read aloud including Luna loves dance Joseph Coelho and Sulwe Lupita Nyong’o.


Vocabulary: noun phrases, adjectives, nouns, present and past tense, Gambia, Africa, family, siblings, journey


This term we will be studying the Uses of Everyday Materials


We will be learning to name an object , say what material it is made from, identify properties and make a link between property and use;

Looking at actions needed to change  a shape of an object and to use suitable vocabulary.

We will also be learning to perform simple tests relevant to properties and describe similarities and differences.

Vocabulary :  wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock, brick, paper, fabric, card, rubber, suitable,  hard/soft, stretchy/stiff. Rigid/flexible, waterproof/absorbent, strong/weak, rough/smooth, transparent/opaque, shape, push/pushing, pull, twist, squash, bend, stretch.



Religious Education

During this half term children will be learning about the Mystery of God. 

We will be reflecting on a mystery of heaven and what it might feel like to be in heaven with God; We will be learning about the Holy Trinity, The Annunciation, Advent and the Mystery of the Incarnation 




Vocabulary: mystery, The Holy Trinity, The Annunciation, Incarnation 

Humanities: History 

The topic this term is Plague and Fire. We will be studying about the main events of the Great Fire of London. We will be learning about when and where the fire started and why  it spread so quickly. We will be reading the diary of Samuel Pepys and linking our Science topic-  materials and their properties – with the materials of houses built in 1666. 

Vocabulary: plague, monarch, source of evidence, 17th century, extinguish, flammable,



Ho, Ho, Ho

Pupils will be learning Ho, Ho, Ho Cristmas song this term. They will be learning to listen and appraise, they will be taking part in a range of musical activities that prepare them to perform the song at the end of the unit.

Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, imagination, voice, instruments


Design and Technology 

Structures: Free standing structures- Houses 


 We will be learning how to build a free standing structure. We will link our Science Topic of the use of everyday materials with out History topic  - The Great Fire of London. We will learn how to design, build and evaluate a Tutor House. 

Vocabulary: design, make, evaluate, materials, properties, structure



Digital Art

We will be learning to use lines and fill tools to make interesting patterns and mimic an artist’s style (Mondrian); to add a variety of shapes (outlines and fill) and label them with text and to re-create graphics using pixels with different colours. 

Vocabulary:  pixels, fill, text, PNG, GIF


Physical education 


We will be learning how to run for a long time, to develop jumping in a long rope and co-ordination in individual skipping, to explore exercises to develop strength and to develop agility, balance and co-ordination.

Vocabulary: stamina, co-ordination, agility, jumping, running 


Personal Social Health Education

Created and loved by God

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Vocabulary: friendship, love, healthy body, value,




Spring Half Term 1

This half term’s Gospel Value: Generosity

This half term’s British Value: 

Mutual Respect


During this half term the children will be learning: multiplication and division, time (o'clock, quarter to and quarter past) and fractions (half and quarters).



Vocabulary: division, multiplication, sharing, o’clock, quarter to, quarter past, half, quarters



During this half term the children will be studying The Power of Reading Book: Zeraffa Giraffa. They will be using the text to learn how to write diary entries, description of a character, using poetic language, retelling stories, and writing a recount of real events.

In Grammar, we will be recapping the use of punctuation including full stops, capital letters, commas and apostrophes for possession.


Vocabulary: the Great Pasha, Egypt, Nile, present tense, past tense, adjectives, expanded noun phases, map, Paris, France


During this half term children will be learning about animals including Humans (Healthy Living). 

Vocabulary: animals and their offspring, exercise, food hygiene, healthy eating,  life cycles, stages of human life, survive

Religious Education


During this half term children will be studying The Good News. They will be learning about Jesus’ life, the miracles, the parables of Jesus and their meaning for people of 21st century.



Vocabulary: Jesus, Bethlehem, parables, miracles

Humanities: Geography


The children will be learning about Northern Europe:


  • Which countries are in Europe
  • Physical and Human features of Norway and Sweden
  • Physical and Human features of Iceland and Estonia
  • The climate of Northern Europe


Vocabulary: country, continent, Scandinavia, weather, climate



The children will be learning to sing “I Wanna Play in a band”.



Vocabulary: tempo, rhythm, pulse, beat

Art and Design


The children will be learning about drawing. They will be using different techniques including using pencils of different thickness, perpendicular and parallel free hand drawing and drawing to create textures



Vocabulary: textures, perpendicular, parallel


During this half term the children will be learning about Education for a connected world, Safer Internet Day, Internet research and developing programming



Vocabulary: programming, research, internet safety

Physical Education


During this half term children will be learning Team Building and Fitness.

Team Building:

Pupils develop their communication and problem-solving skills. They work individually, in pairs and in small groups. Throughout, there is an emphasis on teamwork. They learn to discuss, plan and reflect on ideas and strategies. They lead a partner whilst considering safety. Pupils have the opportunity to show honesty and fair play.



Pupils will take part in a range of fitness activities to develop components of fitness. Pupils will begin to explore and develop agility, balance, co-ordination, speed and stamina. Pupils will be given the opportunity to work independently and with others. Pupils will develop perseverance and show determination to work for longer periods of time.


Vocabulary: agility, balance, stamina, speed

Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about the topic Created to Love Others


Vocabulary: relationship, friendship, keeping healthy





Spring Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Forgiveness

This half term’s Gospel value is: Mutual Respect


During this half term the children will be learning about

•Fractions as part of a whole or a whole set •Relate to division •Equivalent fractions

Addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers

Money:  •Recognise coins and notes •Use £ and p accurately •Add and subtract amounts •Calculate change

Shape:  •Explore, sort and describe 2-D shapes •Lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes •Identify 2-D shapes on 3-D shapes •Compare and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes •Use language to describe position, direction and rotation to follow a route.

Vocabulary: fractions, coins, notes, lines of symmetry, position, direction,


During this half term the children will be studying The Robot and the Bluebird. We will be writing diary entries, narratives and we will be learning how to write from a perspective of a character.

In Grammar, we will be studying the use of apostrophe for contraction and possession, commas in lists, exclamation and question marks. 

Vocabulary: apostrophe, commas, scrapheap, seasons of the year, bluebird


During this half term children will be learning about investigative skills. Pupil will plan an investigation as a whole class, make an exploding rocket and revise the key concepts from uses of Everyday materials which were studied for The Great Fire Of London.

Vocabulary: plan, fair test, predict, measure, record, compare, conclude

Religious Education

Our Topic this term is The Mass. We will be learning about the Mass and its importance for Catholics. We will be recognising the links between The Last Supper and The Mass and looking at some actions people perform in Church that show the belief that Jesus is present in Church.

Vocabulary: Tabernacle, Last Supper, lent, mercy, forgiveness, 

Humanities: History

The children will be learning about the history of transport. We will be looking at how modes of transport has changed: Vikings Longships, history of motorcars, trains and flight.

Vocabulary: hot air balloon, steam locomotive, George Stephenson, penny farthing, Orville and Wilbur Wright


The children will be listening to and learning to sing a Reggae song “Zootime”. 

Vocabulary: Keyboard, drums, bass, electric guitar, reggae, pulse, rhythm, pitch, improvise, compose, perform, audience, melody, dynamics, tempo

Art and Design

The children will be learning about the Design and Technology topic: Mechanisms - Slides and Levers.

They will be designing and making a moving picture on a card.

Vocabulary: Mechanism, lever, slider, slot, guide or bridge


During this half term the children will be learning about important Internet research skills. They will:

1. Understand how a web-page displays information in different ways; text, images, videos and interactive elements.
2. Use a web-page to answer questions using keywords.  

Vocabulary: Internet browser, web-page, keywords, video transcript, bullet points

Physical Education

Our Topic this term is Gymnastics.

In this unit pupils learn to explore and develop basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus.

They develop gymnastic skills of jumping, rolling, balancing and travelling individually and in combination to create short sequences and movement phrases.

Pupils develop an awareness of compositional devices when creating sequences to include the use of shapes, levels and directions.

They learn to work safely with and around others and whilst using apparatus. Pupils are given opportunities to provide feedback to others and recognise elements of high quality performance.

Vocabulary: agility, balance, stamina, speed

Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about the topic Life Cycles.

Life Cycles shows us that God created us to follow the cycle of life and He loves us at every stage. Children will learn about the specifics of the human life cycle and celebrate how they have already changed and grown.

Vocabulary: birth, death, human life cycle


Summer Half Term 1

This half term’s Gospel value is: Courage 

This half term’s Gospel value is: Mutual Respect 


Year 2


During this half term the children will be learning about


·         Money -  recognise coins and notes; use pence and p accurately; add and subtract amounts; calculate change

·         Face, shapes and patterns: lines and turns – Explore, sort and describe 2-D shapes; Lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes; identify 2-D shapes on 3-D shapes; compare and sort 2-D and 3-D shapes;

·         Measures: capacity,  volume and mass – read and measure temperature; estimate, measure and understand litres and millilitres; weigh and compare masses in kilograms and grams

Vocabulary: coins, notes, lines of symmetry, position, direction, estimate, compare, measure, kilograms, grams


During this half term the children will be studying Anna Hibiscus. We will be writing diary entries, narratives, play scripts and book reviews.

In Grammar, we will be studying the use subordination and coordination, speech marks and fronted adverbials.


Vocabulary: speech marks, fronted adverbials, subordination, coordination, play scripts, holidays, beach, sand, family, feelings, emotions,


·         During this half term children will be learning about Living Things and their habitats. We will be exploring and comparing the differences between things that are living, dead and things that have never been alive by thinking about life processes. As part of our investigations, we will visit Heston Park to explore the local habitat and the living things we find there. We will be using microscopes to observe and a range of resources to record our findings.


·         Vocabulary: Life process, living, non-living, dead, never alive,

movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, microscope, observe, record, reproduction, excretion, nutrition.

Religious Education

Our Topic this half term is Eastertide. The children will learn that Jesus rose from the dead and still lives with us. They will learn that Jesus told his disciples that he would go back to Heaven but promised that the Holy Spirit would come. They will learn that Jesus ascended into Heaven and promised to return again and that this gives us hope. They will also know the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles at Pentecost and know that the Holy Spirit is promised to us.

Vocabulary:  Jesus, rose from the dead, alive, appear, resurrection, Paschal Candle, disciple, apostle, heaven, promised, ascension, Holy Spirit, Good news, symbol, dove, fire, flames, wind, sacrament, baptism


Humanities: Geography

The children will be learning about weather in the United Kingdom. We will be looking at seasonal weather patterns, weather forecasting, comparing UK weather and extreme weather.


Vocabulary: weather pattern, coastal, inland, weather forecast, climate, location, tropical climate and polar climate


The children will be listening to and learning to sing a song about being friends.


Vocabulary:  Keyboard, drums, bass, glockenspiel, pulse, rhythm, pitch, improvise, compose, perform, audience, melody, dynamics, tempo

Art and Design

The children will be learning about the Art topic: Stick transformation Project

   They can use their sketchbook to generate ideas and to test ideas.

·         They can use a variety of materials to transform their object thinking about form and colour.

·         They can cut materials with simple tools and fasten materials together to construct their sculpture.

·         They can share their sketchbook and sculpture with the class and talk about how they made it and what they liked. They can listen to their classmates feedback about their work.

·         They can listen to their classmates talk about their own artwork and they can share their thoughts about their work.

Vocabulary:  Twigs, Construction Materials, Paper, Wool, Drawing Materials



The children will be learning how to programme with Scratch Jr.

They will understand:

·         what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions.

·         Create and debug simple programs.

·         Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.

Vocabulary: outputs, inputs, execute, loops, selection (sending messages) and debug

Physical Education

Our topic this term is Sending and Receiving.

Pupils will develop their sending and receiving skills including throwing and catching, rolling, kicking, tracking and stopping a ball. They will also use equipment to send and receive a ball. Pupils will be given opportunities to work with a range of different sized balls. They will apply their skills individually, in pairs and in small groups and begin to organise and self-manage their own activities. They will build on their knowledge of sending and receiving by applying their skills in different situations.


Physical: rolling, kicking, throwing, catching, tracking

Social: co-operation, communication, keeping others safe

Emotional: perseverance, transferring knowledge

Thinking: identifying how to improve, transferring skills

Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about the topic Created to Love Others.

Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

Vocabulary:  ‘special people’ (their parents, carers, friends, parish priest) , nuclear and wider family



Summer Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Hope 

This half term’s Gospel value is: Mutual Respect 

Year 2


During this half term the children will be learning about


·         Measures – mass (weigh and compare masses in kilograms and grams

·         Exploring calculation strategies (Apply addition and subtraction strategies to solve equations; Illustrate and explain addition and subtraction using column method)

·         Exploring multiplicative thinking (Pattern seek with multiples of 2, 3, 4 5 and 10 using an array; Use known facts to derive facts from the 3 and 4 times tables; Connect multiplication and division facts using commutativity and inverse)


Vocabulary: measure, mass, kilogram, gram, column method, multiplication, patters, commutativity, inverse


During this half term the children will be studying Poems to Perform.

The children will be learning :



·         To make choices in selecting poems for anthologies;

·         To explore, interpret and respond to poetry;

·         To explore rhythm, rhyme and pattern in a range of poems;

·         To respond to and play with language in poetry;

·         To use poetry as a stimulus for art;

·         To perform in response to poetry;

·         To compose and perform own poetry.


Vocabulary: rhythm, pattern, perform, anthology, verse, rhyme,


During this half term children will be learning about Animals including humans – 5 senses. Children will be learning about five basic human senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste and how the sensing organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive the world around us. We will be tasting different foods to investigate a sense of taste and its sensing organ.

Vocabulary: senses, touch, taste, smell, hear, sight, protect, perceive

Religious Education

Our Topic this half term is The First Christians.

The children will be learning to

·         recognise the story of Peter and the man who could not walk as a religious story?

·         retell the story of story of Peter and the man who could not walk?

·          describe some of the ideas of the Holy Spirit?

·         describe some ways I can live like the first Christians?

·         describe some ways the Holy Spirit helps me live like Jesus?

·         talk about what it is like to have friends?

Vocabulary: Peter, Church, Holy Spirit, community, Good News

Humanities: History

The children will be learning about the History of communication. The children will be exploring how communication has changed over time. They will take a tour across the ages from hieroglyphics to the world wide web. They will find out how people got in touch with each other before telephones and emails, as well as finding out about the people behind some important inventions in communication, including William Caxton, Samuel Morse, Alexander Graham Bell and Tim Berners-Lee.

 Vocabulary: hieroglyphics, morse code, internet, inventions, William Caxton, Samuel Morse, Alexander Graham Bell.


The children will be consolidating the learning by revisiting songs and musical activities. Children learn about classical music through listening and apprising using the dimensions of music.


Children share and perform the learning that has taken place with internal school performance using songs and instruments.


Vocabulary: Instrumentation, pulse, rhythm, pitch, perform, audience, improvise, dynamics, tempo, Ostinato/Riff, Compose.


Design and Technology
The topic this half term is Food. The children will be learning how to prepare fruit and vegetable smoothie. They will be preparing common fruit and vegetables using simple utensils and equipment to make a healthy smoothie. They will be evaluating their product using their senses against the design criteria.

Vocabulary: design, prepare, make, evaluate, criteria, fruit, vegetables, utensils, equipment


The children will create Ebooks. They will add a book cover with title, author, colour and image. They will add multiple pages based on a theme. The children will add text on different pages and add images on different pages to match the theme/text. Finally, they will add voice recordings to match the text and theme.

Vocabulary: Fill, record, New Page, Images, Delete, share.

Physical Education

Our topic this term is Ball Skills. Children will be learning :

·       To be able to roll a ball to hit a target.

·      To develop co-ordination and be able to stop a rolling ball.

·     To develop technique and control when dribbling a ball with your feet.

·     To develop control and technique when kicking a ball.

·    To develop co-ordination and technique when throwing and catching.

·   To develop control and co-ordination when dribbling a ball with your hands.


Vocabulary: rolling throwing, co-ordination, technique, control, dribbling, tactics,

To Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about Living in the wider world.

Children will learn about the different communities that they are part of, both local and global. They will think about what it means to belong to a community and the rights and responsibilities that come with it. Children will also learn that how they act can help or harm their communities.

Vocabulary: community, local, global, responsibility, kindness,

Parent Workshops

Maths Workshop

Reading Workshop


Spring 2

Spellings week beginning 19/02/24 

Spellings week beginning 26/02/24 

Spellings week beginning 04/03/24

Spellings week beginning 11/03/24 

Grammar homework

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Summer 1 Week beginning 15/04/24

Spelling a

Spelling b

Maths homework 

Summer 1 Week beginning 22/04/24

Spelling aSpelling b

SPaG homework

2D shapes homework 

Summer 1 Week beginning 29/04/24

Spelling a

Spelling b 

Summer 1 Week beginning 6/05/2024

Spelling b 
Maths a 
Maths b 

Summer 1 Week beginning 13/05/2024

Spelling a 

Spelling b
