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The Rosary Catholic Primary School



Class Teachers:

6A - Mrs Jaggi        6B - Miss Kanwar

Year 6 TA - Mrs Monika

1:1 Support Assistant - Mrs Firwana


This page is where you can find out about all the exciting class news, pictures of things we have been involved in and more.

Keep up to date by exploring our class page for photos of what we are doing in and out of the classroom.

Come and join us on our learning journey! 



Year 6 Learning Gallery 



 Half-Termly Curriculum Maps

Have a look at what our Year 6 will be learning about each term.

Autumn Half Term 1

This half term’s Gospel value is: Justice

This half term’s British value is: Democracy

Year 6 2023-24


During this half term the children will be learning about: Place Value

  • Identifying numbers to 1,000,000
  • Read and write numbers to 10,000,000
  • Compare and order any integers
  • Round negative numbers
  • Add and subtract integers
  • Identify common multiples and factors
  • Understand rules of divisibility and primes of 100
  • Recognise square and cube numbers
  • Multiple to a 4- digit number by a 2-digit number
  • Solve problems with multiplication and division
  • Short and long division
  • Order operations and mental calculation and estimation

Million, ten thousand, hundred thousand, division, multiplication,  solve problems, square, cube, negative, multiples, factors, calculate, more, less, greater than, less than, difference, column, interval, multiple, power, rounded


During this half term our Power of Reading focus text will be:

Pig Heart Boy

Writing opportunities include:

Drawing and annotating, note taking, reading journals, text marking, poetry, letter writing (formal and informal), speeches, script writing, persuasive writing, recount, newspaper report writing.

Grammar:  Full stops, capital letters, capital letters for pronouns, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, passive/active voice, reported/unreported speech, subjunctive form, cohesion across writing, questions marks, exclamation marks, brackets, dashes and commas.

Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains:

 Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.


heart, xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, transplant, immunologist, procedure, transgenic, rejection pills, defect, research facility, species.


During this half term children will be learning about:

Living Things and Their Habitats

During this half term children will be learning to:

  • describe how living things are classified into broad groups
  • use classification keys to sort and group
  • use Carl Linnaeus. classification system 
  • describe similar characteristics of living things and create their own 'quirky creature' using the Linnaeus system to classify
  • investigate living the growth of micro-organisms on food
  • investigate the affect of yeast (living micro-organism) in bread and in different temperatures of water


classification system, classification keys, vertebrates, invertebrates, deciduous, evergreen, characteristics, Linnaeus System: Kingdom, Phylum, class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, adapt


Religious Education

During this half term children will be learning to:

  • show an understanding and reflect on our Mission Statement
  • show an understanding and reflect on our Class Saint
  • show an understanding and reflect on Our Lady of the Rosary


  • to show an knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom of God
  • to reflect on the values of the Kingdom
  • to make link between values, beliefs and to ones own life
  • to show commitment to the Kingdom and share the Good News
  • to reflect on Jesus' suffering and compassion
  • to know about St Therese of Lisieux

Links to scripture:

For behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you!” (Luke 17:20-21)) “Let your light shine!” (Matthew 5:14-16) “I have come so you have life to the full!” (John 10:10)


Kingdom of God, parables, values, mercy, repentance, commitment and mission.

Humanities: Geography

During this half term the children will be learning about the History of Democracy Spatial Sense - the Imaginary Lines of the Earth.

During this half term the children will be learning to:

  • Spatial Sense: the Imaginary Lines of the Earth
  • North America and South America: countries, cities, population
  • North America and South America – Geographical characteristics: landmarks
  • North America and South America: Natural Resources and Exports
  • North America and South America: biomes
  • A Tale of Two Rivers

At the end of the Topic the children will answer the Big Question The Mighty Continents of North America and South America: what do I know?


America, Northern hemisphere, South America, equator, Southern Hemisphere, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Prime meridian



During this half term the children will continue their learning about inspirational women working in music, in their topic: Music and Me

Children will explore the concept of ‘identity’ – the various elements that shape us: gender, with reference to social and cultural differences.

They will be invited to try out different ways of making their own music, while exploring the work of some of the most influential women in music over the last 100 years.

Children will listen to and appraise music, create, compose, write raps and perform music.

In addition, children will explore Digital Music using iPads to create beats.

Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, structure, notation, compose, off-beat


The children will be learning about: 2D Drawing into 3D Making

 Children will explore how 2D drawings can be transformed to 3D objects. They will work towards a graphic design outcome.

Key Concepts:

  • That drawing and making have a close relationship.
  • That drawing can be used to transform a two dimensional surface, which  can be manipulated to make a three dimensional object.
  • That when we transform two dimensional surfaces we can use line, mark making, value, shape, colour, pattern and composition to help you create artwork.
  • That there is a challenge involved in bringing two dimensions to 3 dimensions which we can solve with a combination of invention and logic.


 line, mark making, value, shape, colour, pattern and composition, texture, 2 dimensional, 2 dimensional, typography


During this half term the children will be learning about: Past, present, and future computers, Data Detectives and Binary code using the iLearn2 program.

Children will be able to:

  • Show awareness of how computers and digital technology helps us today.
  • Understand how technology has changed over time and represent it as an interactive timeline.
  • Understand the impact (positive/negative) technological changes have on society.
  • Predict how technology will change in the future
  • Understand why computers/electronics use binary.
  • Match a sequence of binary code to create digital art.
  • To convert binary code to denary numbers (decimal numbers) and vice versa
  • Use comprehension skills to find clues that match the column headings of a spreadsheet.
  • Use spreadsheet tools (filters and conditional formatting) to find the specific data to match the clues


coding, digital, technology, binary, code, sequence, future, column, spreadsheet, tools, filters, conditional, formatting, art. 

Modern Foreign Languages: Italian

During this half term children will be learning 

  • Greetings, personal details,
  • Nationalities
  • Difficult sounds in Italian

Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be exploring the Created and Loved by God unit of work from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.

Key Concepts:

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Learning will be underpinned by the story, Calming the Storm through which the values of hope and faith will be carried.

Democracy will continue as our core British Value


God, love, care, values, personal, relationships, created, faith, storm, Jesus, halth, body, gifts, talents, spots, sleep

Physical Education

During this half term children will be learning to Swim

Children will develop water confidence. They will develop a range of strokes and the techniques involved them. To develop water safety skills and an understanding of personal survival. To learn techniques for personal survival. To identify fastest strokes and personal bests.

Vocabulary: rotation, tread water, glide, front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, surface dives, dolphin kick 



Autumn Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Hope

This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy

Year 6 2023-24


During this half term our focus will be:

  • Identifying common factors and primes to 100
  • Understating the order of operations and how to use them accurately


  • Multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100, 1000
  • Multiplying decimals by whole numbers (integers)
  • Calculate decimal equivalent of a fraction


  • Adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers
  • Multiplying and dividing fractions by an integer
  • Finding fractions of an amount
  • Simplify fractions and identify equivalent fractions
  • Order and compare fractions
  • Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa


  • Finding percentages of amounts

multiply, divide, decimals, fractions, common factors, prime numbers,  operations, fractions, percentages, improper, simplify, convert, integer, amounts, mixed numbers, addition, subtraction.





During this half term our focus will be:

Power of Reading Text: Street Child


Writing opportunities include:

Note taking, Informal and formal letter writing, persuasive writing, role play and decision making, descriptive writing, diary entry, poetry


Grammar: Synonyms and Antonyms, use of the semi colon, colon and dash, use of colon to introduce a list, bullet points, hyphens, relative clauses, main clauses, subordinate clauses, and tenses: progressive, present, simple past and simple present.


Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains:

Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.


Vocabulary: shilling pie, hearth, carriages, cart, workhouse, chores, guinea, shilling



During this half term children will be learning about: Electricity.


Children will be able to:

  • compare and give reasons for variations in how components function
  • use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.
  • compare and give reasons for variations in how components function
  • associate the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit
  • design and construct simple electric circuits for a purpose
  • use and understand recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram

Vocabulary: circuit, symbol, cell, battery, current, amps, voltage, resistance, electrons

Religious Education

During this half term the children will be learning about: Justice.


They will learn about and understand the significance of:

  • reflecting on the reality of justice in the world
  • understanding the meaning of being called to work for justice
  • explaining how people have been persecuted for speaking out against injustice
  • explaining how people work for justice and reflect on what we can learn from them
  • helping on anotherunderstanding Advent
  • reflecting on the Incarnation and its relevance today

Vocabulary:  justice, injustice, human rights, stewardship, refugees, fairness, honesty, truth, persecuted, disability, developed and developing world, charity

Significant figures: Oscar Romero, Martin Luther King, Fr. Pedro, Jean Vanier




Humanities: History


The children will be learning about The Victorians: Society and Innovation.


They will learn the history behind:

  • What was invented by the Victorians?
  • The Second British Empire
  • What was the Impact of the Second British Empire?
  • Lesson 6: What was the Great Exhibition of 1851?
  • Lesson 7: The Big Question: Was the Victorian Age a glorious age?

Vocabulary:  the language of chronology, reformer, cottage industry, slum, sanitation, empire, manufacturers, colonies, trade route, scramble for Africa, indigenous, colony, innovation




 The children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele and Charanga music scheme: Classroom Jazz 2


Music played to will include:  Bacharach Anorak and Meet the Blues.


The strands of musical learning involve: listening and appraising, singing, improvisation, composition and performing.

Vocabulary:  Blues, Jazz, improvisation, by ear, melody, compose, improvise, pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure, dimensions of music, hook, riff, solo



Design and Technology


The children will be learning about Electrical Systems.


They will explore:

Monitoring and Controls with a focus on Alarms.


This unit of work encourages children to develop their understanding of electrical systems through exploring ways of protecting vehicles using electrical alarms.

Children will:

  • investigate different ways that switches work and incorporate these into their designs.
  • develop an understanding of simple electrical control through the designing and making of the alarm system.
  • design and make an alarm system to protect a specific type of vehicle.

Vocabulary:   Prototype, Innovative, Design specification, Design brief, Purpose, Model, Join, Circuit Series circuit, Parallel circuit, Alarm, toggle, switch, Control, Sensor, Program, Flowchart, Input



During this half term the children will be learning about:

 Web design

Children will be able to: 

  • Create a static homepage.
    Choose a suitable theme for your website.
  • Change the site identity to a suitable title, tagline and website icon.
  • Upload a suitable header and/or background image.
  • Adjust the website sidebar and add suitable widgets.
  • Add text and images to a page and edit them.
  • Add multiple pages and edit the navigation, including sub-menus.
  • Provide constructive feedback for your classmates’ websites.       

Vocabulary:  Website, background, edit, header, tagline, title, page, sub-menus, constructive feedback, column, element, menu, blog, post, upload, icon, image, Wordpress, static page, theme, header, sidebar, widgets, navigation and domain name.

Modern Foreign Language - Italian


During this half term children will be learning about:  


  • Difficult sounds in Italian
  • Colours as adjectives
  • Christmas In Italy  


Personal Social Health Education


During this half term children will be learning about

from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme:  Me, My Body, My Health


Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships. 

Children will learn that celebrating differences between people is enriching to a community and know that their self-confidence should arise from being loved by God.

They will learn about the physical changes that boys and girls go through during puberty and how they should respect and take care of their bodies as gifts from God.

Teaching across the rest of the Units in this Module is based on a TV drama series, Paradise Street.

Democracy will continue as our core British Value


Physical Education


During this half term children will continue learning to Swim

Children will develop water confidence. They will develop a range of strokes and the techniques involved them. To develop water safety skills and an understanding of personal survival. To learn techniques for personal survival. To identify fastest strokes and personal bests.

Vocabulary: rotation, tread water, glide, front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, surface dives, dolphin kick 


Spring Half Term 1

This half term’s Gospel value is: Generosity

This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy

Year 6 2023-24


During this half term our focus will be:

  • Read and plot points in the first quadrant
  • Read and plot points in the four quadrants
  • Translating shapes
  • Solve problems with coordinates
  • Draw reflections and translations
  • Measuring and comparing lengths and heights
  • Calculating angles on a straight line
  • Calculating angles around a point
  • Identify angles in a triangle and special quadrilaterals
  • Draw nets of 3D shapes
  • Recognise shapes with the same area can have different perimeters.
  • Calculate area and perimeter
  • Find the areas and perimeters of rectangles and rectilinear shape and all triangles
  • Identify and calculate volume
  • Counting cubes and volume of a cuboid
  • Arithmetic and Reasoning (SATs)
  • Volume - counting cubes and volume of a cuboid

area, perimeter, volume, triangle, right-angled triangle, parallelogram, cuboid, length, base, perpendicular height, vertex, vertices, quadrant, grid, coordinates, translate, reflect





During this half term our focus will be:

Power of Reading: Stay Where You Are and then Leave.

Writing opportunities include:

 Informal and formal letter writing, telegram writing, a diary entry, character descriptions, poetry, a recipe for a hero, debate and decision.

Grammar: Main clauses, Subordinate clauses, relative clauses. Noun phrases. Subject and object. Active and passive voice. Subjunctive verbs. Standard English and formality. Punctuation.

Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains:

 Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.  


Main clauses, subordinate clauses, relative clauses, noun phrases, subject, object,  active, passive voice, subjunctive verbs, standard English,  formality, punctuation, inferences, debate, hero, decision, dairy, character, letter, telegram, poetry, recipe.


During this half term children will be learning about Light.

Children will be able to:

  • Explain how light travels.
  • Understand how mirrors reflect light and how they can help us see objects. Investigate how refraction changes the direction in which light travels
  • Investigate how a prism changes a ray of light to show the spectrum
  • Explain why shadows have the same shape as the object that casts them.
  • Identify the main parts of the human eye and purpose of each part.

 Investigations: Does the distance between an object and a light source affect the size of a shadow?

What will happen if we increase the distance between an object and the light source?

Make a periscope. Make a maze of reflected light.

Vocabulary: iris, pupil, retina, optic nerve, light source, transparent translucent, opaque

Religious Education

During this half term the children will be learning about all aspects of Mass in our topic: Exploring the Mass.


They will learn about and understand the significance of:

  • The New Covenant.
  • The prayers of the Mass,
  • The significance of the different parts of mass
  • The Offertory
  • The Consecration
  • Holy Communion
  • The Eucharist
  •  The blessed Sacrament


Last Supper, sacrifice, bread, wine, lamb of God, altar, penitential rite, liturgy of the Word, liturgy of the Eucharist, offertory, consecration, holy communion, tabernacle, sanctuary lamp





Humanities: History

The children will be learning about Remembrance: 1914-1918.


They will learn the history behind:

  • The outbreak of war – pre-war
  • Recruitment and propaganda
  • Historians and what their sources tell us
  • War and the Empire
  • ·Post-war events

Vocabulary:  the language of chronology, assassination, Central Powers, Allied Powers, nationalism, bias, Neutral Nations, propaganda, enlist, recruit, patriotic, propaganda, enlist, recruit, patriotic




The children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele.


Music played to will include: Three little birds, Stop and In the Groove.


The strands of musical learning involve: listening and appraising, singing, improvisation, composition and performing.

Vocabulary: chord, crotchet, harmony, melody, pitch, rest, rhythm, scale, structure, texture, tempo, beat, pulse..

Art and Design

The children will be learning about Activism in Print in their Art focus.

 They will explore:

  • How art can express their opinions, using their skills to speak for sectors of society.
  • That artists acting as activists often use print because it allows them to duplicate and distribute their message.
  • That a carefully chosen image can be a powerful way to communicate as it is direct and crosses boundaries of language.
  • That through art as activism, we can come together.
  • Artists: Luba Lukova and Faith Ringgold.

Learning  outcome – Poster

Vocabulary: line, shape, colour, typography, message, articulate




During this half term the children will be learning about:

 Graphic Design, Image editing and E-Safety using the iLearn2 program.

In Graphic Design, children will use a range of tools
Such as: Shapes, gradient fill, copy, paste, transparency and opacity, colour picker and rotate on power point.  Children will use these skills taught to design their own app icon. In image editing children will learn how to edit and improve images using a free, online editor. They will learn about ratios, cropping, colour, lighting, layers, and annotations, adding colour elements into b&w images and more.


Vocabulary: colour, edit, shapes, design, ratios, cropping, app, icon, paste, copy, picker, rotate, gradient, fill, transparency, opacity, PowerPoint, tools,

adding, skills, lighting, layers, elements, images.


Modern Foreign Language - Italian


During this half term children will be learning about:  


  • The Epiphany (La Befana)
  • School subjects and school actions
  • Parts of the Body



 Posso…? Dammi… Per favore; Grazie, prego; Uso la penna per scrivere;Uso … Per leggere, uso … Per disegnare… Etc. Italiano, Matematica…
La testa, il collo, le spalle, la schiena, il torace, le braccia, il gomito, il polso, la mano, le dita, il bacino, la gamba, il ginocchio, la caviglia, il piede, gli occhi, i capelli, il naso, la bocca

Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about

Emotional Well-Being from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.


They will continue through the Paradise Street series, to learn about the pressures that they may experience from themselves, others and the media. Children will develop ideas on how to build resilience through thankfulness, use simplified CBT techniques to manage their thoughts, feelings and actions and cope with new or difficult feelings such as rage.


Democracy will continue as our core British Value


Physical Education

During this half term children will be learning Gymnastics.

Children will develop skills taught in year 5 and will learn how to perform a variety of floor and vault exercises with increasing control and accuracy.

They will learn leaps, dive forward rolls, hurdle steps into cartwheels and rounds-offs.

Children will perform routines learned. 


Spring Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Forgiveness

This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy

Year 6 2023-24


During this half term the children will be learning about:

  • Recognise shapes with the same area can have different perimeters
  • Find area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes
  • Find area of right angled triangles use formula
  •  Calculate volume of cuboids
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Link ratio and fractions
  • Simplify the notation of ratio
  • Use ratio to solve problems
  • Use ratio in the context of scale factors
  • Calculate scale factors
  • Decimals
  • Statistics


Vocabulary: area, perimeter, quadrilateral, volume, cubed, ratio, proportion, decimal, tenth,  hundredth,  thousandth, mean, average



During this half term our focus will be:

Alma a short animation

Writing opportunities include:

Note taking, written argument, poetry, commentary, letter writing, story writing. 

Grammar:  Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors, paragraphs, figurative language- similes, personification, powerful verbs, empty words, questioning, adjectives, ellipsis, dramatic conjunctions.

Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains:

 Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.



During this half term children will be learning about…

 Technology through time 

-Children will:

  • Look for patterns to order developments in technology.
  • Create a communications device using a circuit.
  • Create and adjust a circuit to create a desired effect.
  • Create a working vacuum cleaner.
  • Think ahead how technology will change the future.
  • Communicate information I have found out through my observations.
  • Use my observation skills to create and decode messages.
  • Use Observation skills to test how well my fan operates.
  • Evaluate and communicate my results.
  • Order developments in technology.
  • Understand how technology can change over time.
  • Replicate a product using its key components.
  • Use what they know to think how technology will change.

For British Science week we will be exploring Ruth Ella Moore – Bacteriologist who researched immunology, blood groups and tuberculosis.


 Technology, developments, change, advancements, vacuum, motor, wire, circuit, simple circuit, complete circuit, switch, morse code, electricity, communication, future. 

Religious Education 

During this half term children will be learning about Jesus, Son of God / Messiah

  • that Jesus healed many people, brought others back to life and that His miracles led many to believe that he was the Son of God.
  • that Jesus’ enemies plotted to have him arrested, and learn about the arrest and the trial before the high priest.
  • about Jesus’ trial before Pilate and learn that Jesus was condemned to death and crucified.
  • what Jesus said before he died and about His resurrection.
  • The children will have the chance to reflect on the miracles of Jesus. They will have the opportunity to make the Stations of the Cross and participate in a dramatisation of the passion, death & resurrection of Jesus.

Vocabulary: Son of God, nature, healing, miracle, Messiah, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Last Supper, trial, Good Friday, Pilate, Romans, crucifixion, Sabbath, resurrection


Humanities: History


SATS Revision




During this half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele.

All the learning in this unit is focused around: You've Got A Friend and other songs by Carole King.

Children will learn and/or build on their knowledge and understanding about the interrelated dimensions of music through:

a. Warm Up Games (including vocal warm ups) b. Flexible Games (optional extension work) c. Learn to Sing the Song d. Play Instruments with the Song e. Improvise with the Song f. Compose with the Song.

Vocabulary: chord, crotchet, harmony, melody, pitch, rest, rhythm, scale, structure, texture, tempo, beat, pulse..


Art and Design


The children will be learning about Structures in DT

Frame Structures: Shelters

Children are often happy to talk about their homes and families and this resource gives them the opportunity to use this knowledge and experience in a practical way. Making model homes will enable them to develop and use basic constructional skills using sheet and reclaimed materials to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable, together with appropriate joining techniques.

Using construction kit materials will help their understanding of strength and stability in structures. They will also consider the user and purpose for their home and design and make appropriately and learn and use the technical vocabulary relevant to the project. 

Vocabulary: structure, shelter, frame, reclaimed materials, construction, freestanding, stiff, strong, stable, technique, join, assemble




During this half term the children will be learning about:

 Virtual Reality using the iLearn2 program.

In Virtual Reality, children will learn to: 

  • Understand what virtual reality is and how it can be used to help people.
  • Add, move and resize objects in a virtual reality environment 
  • Animate objects for realism.
  • Use code blocks to add movement (with grouping) and interactions (conditions).
  • Create multiple scenes of VR environments.

Vocabulary: VR, virtual, reality, environment, code blocks, movement (grouping), interaction (condition).


Modern Foreign Language - Italian


During this half term children will be learning about…

  •  Carnival
  • Daily routine
  •  The Weather, seasons, clothes
  • Parts of the body (singular/plural etc)
  • Easter in Italy


Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about…


Life Cycles from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme. 


In Unit 4 – Life Cycles, children will learn about God’s design for creating new life through a more nuanced understanding of menstruation, fertility, conception, fetal development in the womb and childbirth.

                        Democracy will continue as our core British Value

Physical Education

During this half term children will be learning hockey.

Hockey is an invasion game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In hockey pupils do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances.


Vocabulary: dribble, attack, defend, free pass, reverse stick, control, push pass, tackle, jab, intercept, opposition.



Summer Half Term 1

This half term’s Gospel value is: Courage

This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy

Year 6 2022-23

SATS REVISION & Isle of Wight 17.4.23 – 19.5.23


During this half term the children will be revising SATs concepts.

  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Subtracting
  • Addition
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Percentages
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Geometry
  • Algebra



During this half term children will continue their learning about

Alma - a short animation

Writing opportunities include:

Note taking, written argument, poetry, commentary, letter writing, story writing. 

Grammar:  Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors, paragraphs, figurative language- similes, personification, powerful verbs, empty words, questioning, adjectives, ellipsis, dramatic conjunctions.

Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains:

 Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.




During this half term children will continue their learning about

 Animals Including Humans 

Knowledge -Children will:

  • build on their knowledge and understanding of different systems within the body.
  • investigate the parts and functions of the circulatory system.
  • focus on how nutrients are transported around the human body
  • explore how a healthy lifestyle supports the body to function and how different types of drugs affect the body.

Skills – Children will:

  • Observe: pulse rates before, during and after exercise.
  • Pattern Seeking: generate questions to investigate “Do older people have lower pulse rates?” or “Do boys have higher pulse rates?”
  • Comparative/Fair Test compare their own heart rates.
  • Research: the human circulatory system.


Vocabulary: circulatory system, heart, aorta, vena cava, ventricle, blood, blood vessels, pumps, oxygen, carbon dioxide, lungs, nutrients, water, diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle

Religious Education 

During this half term children will be learning to:


  • explain what the Sacrament of Confirmation is and how it could affect the lives of those who receive it.
  • show an understanding and reflect on the Sacrament of Marriage.
  • show an understanding of various Sacraments.
  • give reasons why people get married in Church
  • show how the decision to marry in Church is informed by Christian beliefs and values
  • understand that there are many ways to serve.
  • reflect on a variety of ways to help others.
  • reflect on some of the different ways we can serve God.


Vocabulary: Called, serve, Jesus, teaching, example, follow, love, parable, unique, chosen, mission, gifts, talents, Holy Spirit, Confirmation, promises, commitment, vocation


Humanities: History


SATS Revision




During this half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele.

All the learning in this unit is focused around: You've Got A Friend and other songs by Carole King.

Children will learn and/or build on their knowledge and understanding about the interrelated dimensions of music through:

a. Warm Up Games (including vocal warm ups) b. Flexible Games (optional extension work) c. Learn to Sing the Song d. Play Instruments with the Song e. Improvise with the Song f. Compose with the Song.

Vocabulary: chord, crotchet, harmony, melody, pitch, rest, rhythm, scale, structure, texture, tempo, beat, pulse.


Art and Design


In Art, the children will be learning about Brave Colour in Exploring Identity

Children are enabled to explore colour in a very personal and intuitive way.

Taking inspiration from artists who use colour, light and form to create immersive installations, pupils are encouraged to create (propose) their own art work. They are enabled to imagine “what if…?” and encouraged to share their vision or imagining with others through mock-up artworks and models.

Artists: Olafur Eliasson, Yinka Ilori, Morag Myerscough, Liz West

Vocabulary: identity, layer, constructed, portraiture, layering and digital art





During this half term the children will be learning about inspirational women working in music, in their topic: Music and Me

Children will explore the concept of ‘identity’ – the various elements that shape us: gender, with reference to social and cultural differences.

They will be invited to try out different ways of making their own music, while exploring the work of some of the most influential women in music over the last 100 years.

Children will listen to and appraise music, create, compose, write raps and perform music.

In addition, children will explore Digital Music using iPads to create beats.

Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, structure, notation, compose, off-beat



Modern Foreign Language - Italian


During this half term children will be learning about:

  • School subjects (Preferences etc)
  • School timetable
  • The family (adjectives)
  • The house (Gender and number)
  • Physical description


Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will be learning about

Keeping Safe from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.

Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

Democracy will continue as our core British Value


Vocabulary: internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Youtube, abuse: neglect, emotional, sexual and physical


Physical Education

During this half term children will be learning to play Tennis

 In this unit children will develop their racket skills when playing tennis. They will learn specific skills such as a forehand, backhand, volley and underarm serve. Children will develop their tactical awareness including how to play with a partner and against another pair. They are encouraged to show respect for their teammates as well as their opponents when self managing games. Children are also given opportunities to reflect on their own and other's performances and identify areas to improve.

Vocabulary:  ready position, control,  volley, return, serve, outwit, opponent, forehand, backhand, co-operatively and continuously



Summer Half Term 2

This half term’s Gospel value is: Courage

This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy

Year 6 2022-23

SATS REVISION & Isle of Wight 17.4.23 – 19.5.23


During this half term the children will be learning about Enterprise. This will be linked with this terms DT topic.

     Over the course of this venture, children will explore the following skills:

  • Organising and Planning
  • Team-working
  • Product & Service Design
  • Effective Communication
  • Financial skills

     They will:

  • think about their produce (a service or product) and sell to earn some profit.
  • decide on what is required for an enterprise activity to be successful.
  • consider different types of services and how they could be provided: 3 types of service - knowledge & skill service (providing an expertise in something that the customer doesn't have), outsourced services (something the customer could do themselves but it might be easier, cheaper or better and more convenient to get it done by someone else) and facilitating service (offers a facility/venue in which to do something).
  • Set up a selling event.
  • Finally, after the event, children produce an evaluation report about their venture.


Healthy Eating

We will be celebrating Healthy Eating Week this term.

 The theme is Healthy Eating Week - For Everyone! 


     The five key themes this year are:

  • ​Focus on fibre
  • ​Get your 5 a day
  • ​Vary your protein
  • ​Stay hydrated
  • ​Reduce food waste



Vocabulary: nutrition, vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, wholegrains, hydrate, reduce, food waste




During this half term children will be learning about:

Evolution and Inheritance 

 Children will:

  • Recap previous units so that they have appropriate understanding of fossils, habitats and human development in order to grasp the concepts and ideas presented to them.
  • Learn about variation and adaptation – in both plants and animals.
  • Explore how both Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace separately developed their theories of evolution.
  • Examine the scientific evidence from plants and animals that has been gathered to support the theory of evolution.

 Vocabulary - evolution, inheritance, Charles Darwin, evolution, suited/suitable, adapted, adaptation, offspring, reproduction, variation, inherit, inheritance, fossil, genetics


*In addition to this, they will also learn about Advances in Medicine in our new topic: Inspirational Scientists linked to their previous topic ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS.

William T.G. Morton (Historical Figure) - the founder of modern anaesthesia

Ruth Ella Moore (Under-represented group) – Bacteriologist who researched immunology, blood groups and tuberculosis.

Prof. Sarah Gilbert (Modern Scientist) – Oxford Covid19 Vaccine

Virtual vaccine talk with Dr Sean Elias (Gilbert Group Pandemic Sciences Institute) covering some of the basic science of vaccines, information on their Covid vaccine work and a virtual tour of the laboratory along with time for questions.

·         Research: the human circulatory system.

Vocabulary: circulatory system, heart, aorta, vena cava, ventricle, blood, blood vessels, pumps, oxygen, carbon dioxide, lungs, nutrients, water, diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle

Religious Education 

During this half term our topic is:

Called to Serve

Children will:

  • Respond to the invitation from God to be disciples of Christ.
  • Show understanding of the religious actions and signs involved in the celebration of Confirmation.
  • Show understanding of how their own and others’ decisions are informed by beliefs in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Show an understanding of the sacrament of Marriage and Holy Orders.
  • Show knowledge and understanding of what it is like to serve God and each other at home, school, church and the wider world.


Vocabulary – chosen, commitment, Confirmation, gifts, Holy Spirit, infinite, Kingdom of God, mission, promises, serve, talents, unique, vocation


Humanities: History


During this half term our topic is:

  • Events that Shaped the World:
  • The Second World War, Civil Rights,
  • The Space Race and Moon Landings

Children will learn about:

  • The causes of the outbreak of The Second World war and its impact on us today
  • The Civil Rights Movement and its impact on us today. Significant figures will include, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr and The Little Rock Nine
  • The Space Race and  Moon Landing and the impact of space exploration on us today

Vocabulary – reform, alliance, reparation, annex, axis,

militarism, technological: social: political and economic change, discrimination, equality, abolition, civil rights






During This half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele.

Music played to will include:  Happy, a Pop song by Pharrell Williams

The strands of musical learning involve new Listen & Appraise apps; new progressive Warm-up Games, Flexible Games and improvisation resources, and a new compose tool. 


Pulse , Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Texture, Structure, Notation

Art and Design


The children will be learning about Food in DT which will be linked to their maths topic: Enterprise



Using their plans for Enterprise Week, children will use a range of food skills including how to: peel, mix, stir, spoon, measure, grate, thread (kebab sticks) and cut.

Children will carry out modifications to recipes.





During this half term the children will be learning Python

 They will learn to:

  • program using python language
  • program a game with directions and scoring (sensing)
  • create an online chatbot

Trivia Chatbot Challenge

  1. Program a trivia chatbot using ‘send message’ functions 

Vocabulary: python, syntax, scoring, sensing, print text, program loops, input, errors, debugging and unplugging



Modern Foreign Language - Italian


During this half term children will be learning about:


  1. Food Pyramid and healthy eating
  2. Sports
  3. Free time
  4. Holidays and activities



Personal Social Health Education

During this half term children will complete their learning about…

Keeping Safe from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.

Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

Democracy will continue as our core British Value

Vocabulary: internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Youtube, abuse: neglect, emotional, sexual and physical

 Children will then move on to: Created to live in the Community

Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good.


Physical Education

During this half term children will be learning to play Rounders.

 In this unit, children will learn to develop the bowling action and understand the role of the bowler; batting technique; to make decisions about where and when to send the ball to  stump a batter out; to develop a variety of fielding techniques and when to use them in a game; understanding of long and short barriers in fielding and understand when to use them and to apply the rules and skills you have learnt to play in a rounder's tournament. 

Vocabulary: Strike, fielding, co-operatively, consistently, pressure, batting, retrieve, overtake, outwit, backing up, continuous, consecutive and obstruction.


All about Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Homework Timetable

Workshops for Parents

Math Workshop

Reading Workshop


Autumn 1- Week beginning 17.09.24

Spellings- Tuesday

Arithmetic- Wednesday

GPS- Wednesday

RE- Wednesday

Reasoning- Thursday

GPS- Thursday

Grammar- Active to Passive voice- Friday

GPS Friday

Autumn 1- Week beginning 09.09.24

Comprehension- Monday

Spelling- Tuesday

Arithmetic- Wednesday

GPS- Thursday

Reasoning- Thursday

GPS- Friday

Grammar-Inverted Commas- Friday

Summer 2- Week beginning 24.06.24

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2

Maths 1

Maths 2


Summer 2- Week beginning 17.06.24


Maths 1

Maths 2

Spellings 17.06.24


Summer 2- Week beginning 10.06.24


Reasoning 1

Reasoning 2

Spellings 10.06.24


Summer 2- Week beginning 03.06.24


Maths 1

Maths 2


Spelling 03.06.24

Summer 1- Week beginning 20.05.24



Spelling 23.05.24


Summer 1- Week Beginning 13.05.24

Comprehension 1

Comprehension 2



Maths Revision Help Sheet

Maths Revision Help Sheet 2

Reasoning 2

Summer 1 - Week Beginning 06.05.24





Miss Bass Arithmetic 08.05.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 09.05.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 10.05.24

Summer 1- Week Beginning 29.04.24




Reasoning 1

Reasoning 2

Miss Bass Arithmetic 29.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 30.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 01.05.24

Year 5 and 6 Spelling List

Summer 1- Week Beginning 22.04.24




Reasoning 1

Reasoning 2

Miss Bass Arithmetic 22.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 23.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 24.04.24

Summer 1- Week Beginning 15.04.24

 Arithmetic 1



Arithmetic 2

Miss Bass Arithmetic 17.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 18.04.24

Miss Bass Arithmetic 19.04.24 and Weekend