Class Teachers:
6A - Mrs Jaggi 6B - Miss Kanwar
Year 6 TA - Mrs Monika
1:1 Support Assistant - Mrs Firwana
This page is where you can find out about all the exciting class news, pictures of things we have been involved in and more.
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Year 6 Learning Gallery
Half-Termly Curriculum Maps
Have a look at what our Year 6 will be learning about each term.
Autumn Half Term 1 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Justice |
This half term’s British value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2023-24 |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about: Place Value
Vocabulary: |
English During this half term our Power of Reading focus text will be: Pig Heart Boy Writing opportunities include: Drawing and annotating, note taking, reading journals, text marking, poetry, letter writing (formal and informal), speeches, script writing, persuasive writing, recount, newspaper report writing. Grammar: Full stops, capital letters, capital letters for pronouns, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, passive/active voice, reported/unreported speech, subjunctive form, cohesion across writing, questions marks, exclamation marks, brackets, dashes and commas. Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains: Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons. Vocabulary: heart, xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, transplant, immunologist, procedure, transgenic, rejection pills, defect, research facility, species. |
Science During this half term children will be learning about: Living Things and Their Habitats During this half term children will be learning to:
Vocabulary: classification system, classification keys, vertebrates, invertebrates, deciduous, evergreen, characteristics, Linnaeus System: Kingdom, Phylum, class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, adapt
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning to:
Links to scripture: For behold, the Kingdom of God is in the midst of you!” (Luke 17:20-21)) “Let your light shine!” (Matthew 5:14-16) “I have come so you have life to the full!” (John 10:10) Vocabulary: Kingdom of God, parables, values, mercy, repentance, commitment and mission. |
Humanities: Geography During this half term the children will be learning about the History of Democracy Spatial Sense - the Imaginary Lines of the Earth. During this half term the children will be learning to:
At the end of the Topic the children will answer the Big Question The Mighty Continents of North America and South America: what do I know? Vocabulary: America, Northern hemisphere, South America, equator, Southern Hemisphere, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Prime meridian |
During this half term the children will continue their learning about inspirational women working in music, in their topic: Music and Me Children will explore the concept of ‘identity’ – the various elements that shape us: gender, with reference to social and cultural differences. They will be invited to try out different ways of making their own music, while exploring the work of some of the most influential women in music over the last 100 years. Children will listen to and appraise music, create, compose, write raps and perform music. In addition, children will explore Digital Music using iPads to create beats. Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, structure, notation, compose, off-beat |
Art The children will be learning about: 2D Drawing into 3D Making Children will explore how 2D drawings can be transformed to 3D objects. They will work towards a graphic design outcome. Key Concepts:
line, mark making, value, shape, colour, pattern and composition, texture, 2 dimensional, 2 dimensional, typography |
Computing During this half term the children will be learning about: Past, present, and future computers, Data Detectives and Binary code using the iLearn2 program. Children will be able to:
Vocabulary: coding, digital, technology, binary, code, sequence, future, column, spreadsheet, tools, filters, conditional, formatting, art. |
Modern Foreign Languages: Italian During this half term children will be learning
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be exploring the Created and Loved by God unit of work from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme. Key Concepts: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships. Learning will be underpinned by the story, Calming the Storm through which the values of hope and faith will be carried. Democracy will continue as our core British Value Vocabulary: God, love, care, values, personal, relationships, created, faith, storm, Jesus, halth, body, gifts, talents, spots, sleep |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning to Swim Children will develop water confidence. They will develop a range of strokes and the techniques involved them. To develop water safety skills and an understanding of personal survival. To learn techniques for personal survival. To identify fastest strokes and personal bests.
Autumn Half Term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Hope |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2023-24 |
Mathematics During this half term our focus will be:
English During this half term our focus will be: Power of Reading Text: Street Child
Writing opportunities include: Note taking, Informal and formal letter writing, persuasive writing, role play and decision making, descriptive writing, diary entry, poetry
Grammar: Synonyms and Antonyms, use of the semi colon, colon and dash, use of colon to introduce a list, bullet points, hyphens, relative clauses, main clauses, subordinate clauses, and tenses: progressive, present, simple past and simple present.
Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains: Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.
Vocabulary: shilling pie, hearth, carriages, cart, workhouse, chores, guinea, shilling |
During this half term children will be learning about: Electricity.
Children will be able to:
Religious Education During this half term the children will be learning about: Justice.
They will learn about and understand the significance of:
Vocabulary: justice, injustice, human rights, stewardship, refugees, fairness, honesty, truth, persecuted, disability, developed and developing world, charity Significant figures: Oscar Romero, Martin Luther King, Fr. Pedro, Jean Vanier
Humanities: History
The children will be learning about The Victorians: Society and Innovation.
They will learn the history behind:
The children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele and Charanga music scheme: Classroom Jazz 2
Music played to will include: Bacharach Anorak and Meet the Blues.
The strands of musical learning involve: listening and appraising, singing, improvisation, composition and performing.
Design and Technology
The children will be learning about Electrical Systems.
They will explore: Monitoring and Controls with a focus on Alarms.
This unit of work encourages children to develop their understanding of electrical systems through exploring ways of protecting vehicles using electrical alarms. Children will:
Vocabulary: Prototype, Innovative, Design specification, Design brief, Purpose, Model, Join, Circuit Series circuit, Parallel circuit, Alarm, toggle, switch, Control, Sensor, Program, Flowchart, Input |
During this half term the children will be learning about: Web design Children will be able to:
Vocabulary: Website, background, edit, header, tagline, title, page, sub-menus, constructive feedback, column, element, menu, blog, post, upload, icon, image, Wordpress, static page, theme, header, sidebar, widgets, navigation and domain name. |
Modern Foreign Language - Italian
During this half term children will be learning about:
Personal Social Health Education
During this half term children will be learning about from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme: Me, My Body, My Health
Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships. Children will learn that celebrating differences between people is enriching to a community and know that their self-confidence should arise from being loved by God. They will learn about the physical changes that boys and girls go through during puberty and how they should respect and take care of their bodies as gifts from God. Teaching across the rest of the Units in this Module is based on a TV drama series, Paradise Street. Democracy will continue as our core British Value
Physical Education
During this half term children will continue learning to Swim Children will develop water confidence. They will develop a range of strokes and the techniques involved them. To develop water safety skills and an understanding of personal survival. To learn techniques for personal survival. To identify fastest strokes and personal bests.
Spring Half Term 1 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Generosity |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2023-24 |
Mathematics During this half term our focus will be:
English During this half term our focus will be: Power of Reading: Stay Where You Are and then Leave. Writing opportunities include: Informal and formal letter writing, telegram writing, a diary entry, character descriptions, poetry, a recipe for a hero, debate and decision. Grammar: Main clauses, Subordinate clauses, relative clauses. Noun phrases. Subject and object. Active and passive voice. Subjunctive verbs. Standard English and formality. Punctuation. Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains: Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons. Vocabulary: Main clauses, subordinate clauses, relative clauses, noun phrases, subject, object, active, passive voice, subjunctive verbs, standard English, formality, punctuation, inferences, debate, hero, decision, dairy, character, letter, telegram, poetry, recipe. |
Science During this half term children will be learning about Light. Children will be able to:
Investigations: Does the distance between an object and a light source affect the size of a shadow? What will happen if we increase the distance between an object and the light source? Make a periscope. Make a maze of reflected light.
Religious Education During this half term the children will be learning about all aspects of Mass in our topic: Exploring the Mass.
They will learn about and understand the significance of:
Humanities: History The children will be learning about Remembrance: 1914-1918.
They will learn the history behind:
The children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele.
Music played to will include: Three little birds, Stop and In the Groove.
The strands of musical learning involve: listening and appraising, singing, improvisation, composition and performing. |
Art and Design The children will be learning about Activism in Print in their Art focus. They will explore:
Learning outcome – Poster Vocabulary: line, shape, colour, typography, message, articulate
During this half term the children will be learning about: Graphic Design, Image editing and E-Safety using the iLearn2 program. In Graphic Design, children will use a range of tools
Vocabulary: colour, edit, shapes, design, ratios, cropping, app, icon, paste, copy, picker, rotate, gradient, fill, transparency, opacity, PowerPoint, tools, adding, skills, lighting, layers, elements, images.
Modern Foreign Language - Italian
During this half term children will be learning about:
Vocabulary: Posso…? Dammi… Per favore; Grazie, prego; Uso la penna per scrivere;Uso … Per leggere, uso … Per disegnare… Etc. Italiano, Matematica… |
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about Emotional Well-Being from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.
They will continue through the Paradise Street series, to learn about the pressures that they may experience from themselves, others and the media. Children will develop ideas on how to build resilience through thankfulness, use simplified CBT techniques to manage their thoughts, feelings and actions and cope with new or difficult feelings such as rage.
Democracy will continue as our core British Value
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning Gymnastics. Children will develop skills taught in year 5 and will learn how to perform a variety of floor and vault exercises with increasing control and accuracy. They will learn leaps, dive forward rolls, hurdle steps into cartwheels and rounds-offs. Children will perform routines learned. |
Spring Half Term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Forgiveness |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2023-24 |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about:
Vocabulary: area, perimeter, quadrilateral, volume, cubed, ratio, proportion, decimal, tenth, hundredth, thousandth, mean, average
English During this half term our focus will be: Alma a short animation Writing opportunities include: Note taking, written argument, poetry, commentary, letter writing, story writing. Grammar: Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors, paragraphs, figurative language- similes, personification, powerful verbs, empty words, questioning, adjectives, ellipsis, dramatic conjunctions. Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains: Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.
Science During this half term children will be learning about… Technology through time -Children will:
For British Science week we will be exploring Ruth Ella Moore – Bacteriologist who researched immunology, blood groups and tuberculosis. Vocabulary: Technology, developments, change, advancements, vacuum, motor, wire, circuit, simple circuit, complete circuit, switch, morse code, electricity, communication, future. |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning about Jesus, Son of God / Messiah…
Vocabulary: Son of God, nature, healing, miracle, Messiah, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Last Supper, trial, Good Friday, Pilate, Romans, crucifixion, Sabbath, resurrection
Humanities: History
SATS Revision
Music During this half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele. All the learning in this unit is focused around: You've Got A Friend and other songs by Carole King. Children will learn and/or build on their knowledge and understanding about the interrelated dimensions of music through: a. Warm Up Games (including vocal warm ups) b. Flexible Games (optional extension work) c. Learn to Sing the Song d. Play Instruments with the Song e. Improvise with the Song f. Compose with the Song. Vocabulary: chord, crotchet, harmony, melody, pitch, rest, rhythm, scale, structure, texture, tempo, beat, pulse..
Art and Design
The children will be learning about Structures in DT Frame Structures: Shelters Children are often happy to talk about their homes and families and this resource gives them the opportunity to use this knowledge and experience in a practical way. Making model homes will enable them to develop and use basic constructional skills using sheet and reclaimed materials to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable, together with appropriate joining techniques. Using construction kit materials will help their understanding of strength and stability in structures. They will also consider the user and purpose for their home and design and make appropriately and learn and use the technical vocabulary relevant to the project. Vocabulary: structure, shelter, frame, reclaimed materials, construction, freestanding, stiff, strong, stable, technique, join, assemble
During this half term the children will be learning about: Virtual Reality using the iLearn2 program. In Virtual Reality, children will learn to:
Vocabulary: VR, virtual, reality, environment, code blocks, movement (grouping), interaction (condition).
Modern Foreign Language - Italian
During this half term children will be learning about…
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about…
Life Cycles from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme.
In Unit 4 – Life Cycles, children will learn about God’s design for creating new life through a more nuanced understanding of menstruation, fertility, conception, fetal development in the womb and childbirth. Democracy will continue as our core British Value |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning hockey. Hockey is an invasion game. In this unit pupils develop their understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. In all games activities, pupils have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In hockey pupils do this by maintaining possession and moving the ball towards goal to score. Pupils develop their understanding of the importance of fair play and honesty while self-managing games and learning and abiding by key rules, as well as evaluating their own and others’ performances.
Vocabulary: dribble, attack, defend, free pass, reverse stick, control, push pass, tackle, jab, intercept, opposition.
Summer Half Term 1 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Courage |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2022-23 SATS REVISION & Isle of Wight 17.4.23 – 19.5.23 |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be revising SATs concepts.
English During this half term children will continue their learning about Alma - a short animation Writing opportunities include: Note taking, written argument, poetry, commentary, letter writing, story writing. Grammar: Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors, paragraphs, figurative language- similes, personification, powerful verbs, empty words, questioning, adjectives, ellipsis, dramatic conjunctions. Comprehension: Revision of skills - reading domains: Words in context, retrieve and record, summarise main ideas, make inferences: justify inferences with evidence, predict, authors choices for meaning and making comparisons.
Science During this half term children will continue their learning about Animals Including Humans Knowledge -Children will:
Skills – Children will:
Vocabulary: circulatory system, heart, aorta, vena cava, ventricle, blood, blood vessels, pumps, oxygen, carbon dioxide, lungs, nutrients, water, diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning to:
Vocabulary: Called, serve, Jesus, teaching, example, follow, love, parable, unique, chosen, mission, gifts, talents, Holy Spirit, Confirmation, promises, commitment, vocation
Humanities: History
SATS Revision
Music During this half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele. All the learning in this unit is focused around: You've Got A Friend and other songs by Carole King. Children will learn and/or build on their knowledge and understanding about the interrelated dimensions of music through: a. Warm Up Games (including vocal warm ups) b. Flexible Games (optional extension work) c. Learn to Sing the Song d. Play Instruments with the Song e. Improvise with the Song f. Compose with the Song. Vocabulary: chord, crotchet, harmony, melody, pitch, rest, rhythm, scale, structure, texture, tempo, beat, pulse.
Art and Design
In Art, the children will be learning about Brave Colour in Exploring Identity Children are enabled to explore colour in a very personal and intuitive way. Taking inspiration from artists who use colour, light and form to create immersive installations, pupils are encouraged to create (propose) their own art work. They are enabled to imagine “what if…?” and encouraged to share their vision or imagining with others through mock-up artworks and models. Artists: Olafur Eliasson, Yinka Ilori, Morag Myerscough, Liz West Vocabulary: identity, layer, constructed, portraiture, layering and digital art
During this half term the children will be learning about inspirational women working in music, in their topic: Music and Me Children will explore the concept of ‘identity’ – the various elements that shape us: gender, with reference to social and cultural differences. They will be invited to try out different ways of making their own music, while exploring the work of some of the most influential women in music over the last 100 years. Children will listen to and appraise music, create, compose, write raps and perform music. In addition, children will explore Digital Music using iPads to create beats. Vocabulary: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, structure, notation, compose, off-beat
Modern Foreign Language - Italian
During this half term children will be learning about:
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about Keeping Safe from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme. Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe. Democracy will continue as our core British Value
Vocabulary: internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Youtube, abuse: neglect, emotional, sexual and physical
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning to play Tennis In this unit children will develop their racket skills when playing tennis. They will learn specific skills such as a forehand, backhand, volley and underarm serve. Children will develop their tactical awareness including how to play with a partner and against another pair. They are encouraged to show respect for their teammates as well as their opponents when self managing games. Children are also given opportunities to reflect on their own and other's performances and identify areas to improve. Vocabulary: ready position, control, volley, return, serve, outwit, opponent, forehand, backhand, co-operatively and continuously
Summer Half Term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Courage |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Democracy |
Year 6 2022-23 SATS REVISION & Isle of Wight 17.4.23 – 19.5.23 |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about Enterprise. This will be linked with this terms DT topic. Over the course of this venture, children will explore the following skills:
They will:
Healthy Eating We will be celebrating Healthy Eating Week this term. The theme is Healthy Eating Week - For Everyone!
The five key themes this year are:
Vocabulary: nutrition, vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, wholegrains, hydrate, reduce, food waste
Science During this half term children will be learning about: Evolution and Inheritance Children will:
Vocabulary - evolution, inheritance, Charles Darwin, evolution, suited/suitable, adapted, adaptation, offspring, reproduction, variation, inherit, inheritance, fossil, genetics
*In addition to this, they will also learn about Advances in Medicine in our new topic: Inspirational Scientists linked to their previous topic ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS. William T.G. Morton (Historical Figure) - the founder of modern anaesthesia Ruth Ella Moore (Under-represented group) – Bacteriologist who researched immunology, blood groups and tuberculosis. Prof. Sarah Gilbert (Modern Scientist) – Oxford Covid19 Vaccine Virtual vaccine talk with Dr Sean Elias (Gilbert Group Pandemic Sciences Institute) covering some of the basic science of vaccines, information on their Covid vaccine work and a virtual tour of the laboratory along with time for questions. · Research: the human circulatory system. Vocabulary: circulatory system, heart, aorta, vena cava, ventricle, blood, blood vessels, pumps, oxygen, carbon dioxide, lungs, nutrients, water, diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle |
Religious Education During this half term our topic is: Called to Serve Children will:
Vocabulary – chosen, commitment, Confirmation, gifts, Holy Spirit, infinite, Kingdom of God, mission, promises, serve, talents, unique, vocation
Humanities: History
During this half term our topic is:
Children will learn about:
Vocabulary – reform, alliance, reparation, annex, axis, militarism, technological: social: political and economic change, discrimination, equality, abolition, civil rights
During This half term the children will continue to learn and develop skills playing the Ukulele. Music played to will include: Happy, a Pop song by Pharrell Williams The strands of musical learning involve new Listen & Appraise apps; new progressive Warm-up Games, Flexible Games and improvisation resources, and a new compose tool. Vocabulary Pulse , Rhythm, Pitch, Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre, Texture, Structure, Notation |
Art and Design
The children will be learning about Food in DT which will be linked to their maths topic: Enterprise
Food Using their plans for Enterprise Week, children will use a range of food skills including how to: peel, mix, stir, spoon, measure, grate, thread (kebab sticks) and cut. Children will carry out modifications to recipes.
During this half term the children will be learning Python They will learn to:
Trivia Chatbot Challenge
Vocabulary: python, syntax, scoring, sensing, print text, program loops, input, errors, debugging and unplugging
Modern Foreign Language - Italian
During this half term children will be learning about:
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will complete their learning about… Keeping Safe from Ten-Ten, Life to the Full scheme. Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe. Democracy will continue as our core British Value Vocabulary: internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Youtube, abuse: neglect, emotional, sexual and physical Children will then move on to: Created to live in the Community Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good.
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning to play Rounders. In this unit, children will learn to develop the bowling action and understand the role of the bowler; batting technique; to make decisions about where and when to send the ball to stump a batter out; to develop a variety of fielding techniques and when to use them in a game; understanding of long and short barriers in fielding and understand when to use them and to apply the rules and skills you have learnt to play in a rounder's tournament. Vocabulary: Strike, fielding, co-operatively, consistently, pressure, batting, retrieve, overtake, outwit, backing up, continuous, consecutive and obstruction.
All about Year 6
Workshops for Parents
Autumn 1- Week beginning 17.09.24
Grammar- Active to Passive voice- Friday
Autumn 1- Week beginning 09.09.24
Grammar-Inverted Commas- Friday